const template = fn => { return (arr, ...params) => { if (arr instanceof Array) { const buffer = [] for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { buffer.push(arr[i]) buffer.push(params[i]) } buffer.push(arr[arr.length - 1]) return fn(buffer.join("")) } return fn(arr) } } const f = template(string => { const template = document.createElement("template") template.innerHTML = string return template.content }) const css = template(string => { const styleSheet = new CSSStyleSheet styleSheet.replaceSync(string) return styleSheet }) const childObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) { } }) export class BetterSelect extends HTMLElement { #abortOpen #value = {} #internals = this.attachInternals() static formAssociated = true static styleSheet = css` :host { position: relative; } * { box-sizing: border-box; } [part="display"] { display: inline-flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; min-width: 20em; padding: .4em; cursor: pointer; :last-child { display: block; margin-left: auto; } } :not(:empty + *)[name="placeholder"] { display: none; } [part="drop-down"] { /* Resets */ border: unset; padding: unset; background: inherit; color: inherit; position: absolute; width: 100%; flex-flow: column; --gap: .4em; margin: 0; gap: var(--gap); padding-top: var(--gap); } [part="drop-down"]:modal { margin: auto; &::backdrop { background-color: #fff2; backdrop-filter: blur(2px); } } [part="drop-down"][open] { display: flex; } [part="list"] { display: contents; } [part="item"] { display: block; cursor: pointer; } [part="item"]:focus { font-weight: bold; } [part="item"][hidden] { display: none; } slot[name="loading"] { display: none; } ` constructor() { super() childObserver.observe(this, {childList: true}) this.attachShadow({mode: "open"}).innerHTML = `
` this.shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [BetterSelect.styleSheet] this.tabindex = 0 this.options = this.getElementsByTagName("option") for (const element of this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(`[id]`)) this[] = element this.shadowRoot.addEventListener("click", event => { const item ="#list > li") if (item) { this.setOption(item) this.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("input", {bubbles: true})) this.close() } else if (!this.#internals.states.has("--open")) { } else if (this.display.contains( || this.display.contains("[slot]")?.assignedSlot)) { this.close() } }) this.shadowRoot.addEventListener("input", event => { const item ="#input") if (item) { event.stopPropagation() } }) this.addEventListener("focus", event => { }) } open() { if (this.#abortOpen) return this.#abortOpen = new AbortController() const signal = this.#abortOpen.signal window.addEventListener("click", event => { if (!this.contains( { this.close() } }, {signal}) this.addEventListener("keypress", event => { if (event.key == "Enter") { this.selectDefault() } }, {signal}) this.#internals.states.add("--open") } close() { this.input.value = null for (const hidden of this.list.querySelectorAll("[hidden]")) hidden.removeAttribute("hidden") this.#abortOpen?.abort() this.#abortOpen = null this.#internals.states.delete("--open") this.dialog.close() } search(value) { for (const item of this.list.children) { item.toggleAttribute("hidden", !this.match(value, item)) } } selectDefault() { const candidates = [...this.list.children].filter(child => !child.hasAttribute("hidden")) if (candidates.length) { this.setOption(candidates[0]) this.close() } } match(value, item) { return item.innerText.toLowerCase().match(value.toLowerCase()) } connectedCallback() { this.setOptions() } mutationCallback() { this.setOptions() } setOption(option) { this.setValue(option.dataset.value, option.innerHTML) } setValue(value, state=value) { this.#value = {value, state} this.#internals.setFormValue(value, state) this.text.innerText = state } get value() { return this.#value.value } set value(value) { for (const option of this.options) { if (option.value === value) { return this.setOption(option) } } throw `No option with value ${value}` } get valueText() { return this.#value.state } setOptions() { this.list.replaceChildren() for (const option of this.options) { this.list.append(f`
  • ${option.innerText}
  • `) } } }