class StylesEvent extends Event { constructor() { super("styles", { bubbles: true }) } } const styleSelector = `style, link[rel="stylesheet"]` /** @param {Element} node */ const isStyleNode = node => node.matches(styleSelector) || node.querySelector(styleSelector) /** @param {MutationRecord} mutation */ const isStyleMutation = mutation => ( instanceof Element) && isStyleNode( || ( instanceof Text) && isStyleNode( || [...mutation.removedNodes].find(isStyleNode) const StylesObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { [...mutations].forEach(console.log) for (const {target} of [...mutations].filter(isStyleMutation)) { target.dispatchEvent(new StylesEvent()) } }) StylesObserver.observe(document.head, { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["rel", "href"], }) /** * @param {string} href * @param {string} layer */ function importRule(href, layer) { if (layer) return `@import url("${href}") layer(${layer});` else return `@import url("${href}");` } /** * @param {string} css * @param {string|undefined} layer */ function wrapLayer(css, layer) { if (layer) return `@layer ${layer} { ${css} }` else return css } class RuleCollection { layer /** @type {string[]} */ imports = [] /** @type {string[]} */ inlined = [] /** @param {string} layer */ constructor(layer) { this.layer = layer } /** @param {HTMLStyleElement} styleSheet */ copyInto(styleSheet) { for (const href of this.imports) styleSheet.innerHTML += importRule(href, this.layer) for (const block of this.inlined) styleSheet.innerHTML += wrapLayer(block, this.layer) } } /** * @param {CSSStyleSheet} sheet * @param {RuleCollection} target */ function collectStyles(sheet, target) { if (sheet.ownerRule) { // TODO } else { const node = sheet.ownerNode if (node instanceof HTMLLinkElement) { target.imports.push(node.href) } else if (node instanceof HTMLStyleElement) { target.inlined.push(node.innerHTML) } else { console.log(node) } } } export default class AdoptStyles extends HTMLElement { static observedAttributes = ["adopt", "layer"] attributeChangedCallback() { this.adoptStyles() } /** * @param {string} adopt What to adopt * @param {string|undefined} layer What CSS layer to wrap the external styles in */ adoptStyles(adopt=this.adopt, layer=this.layer) { if (adopt == "all") { this.replaceChildren(document.createElement("style")) const rules = new RuleCollection(layer) for (const sheet of document.styleSheets) { collectStyles(sheet, rules) } rules.copyInto(this.sheet) console.log(this.sheet.innerText) } else if (adopt != undefined) { throw new Error("Adopt must be empty or 'all'") } } get sheet() { return this.querySelector("style") } get adopt() { return this.getAttribute("adopt") } get layer() { return this.getAttribute("layer") } connectedCallback() { this.abortController = new AbortController() document.addEventListener("styles", () => { this.adoptStyles() }) } disconnectedCallback() { this.abortController.abort() } }