Change how trees look and add the CLASS constant

This commit is contained in:
Talia 2018-07-13 10:19:13 +02:00
parent d37e97bdc3
commit 0b38f7295c
1 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -1,29 +1,17 @@
-- vim: set noexpandtab :miv --
tree = (tab, level=0, skip="") ->
if level==0
print "┐"
pre = (lvl, skip) ->
for i=1,lvl
if skip\sub(i,i) == "y"
io.write " "
io.write "│ "
tree = (tab, pref='') ->
print tab.title and tab.title or '┐'
for idx, element in ipairs tab
last = idx == #tab
first = idx == 1
io.write pref
io.write last and "└─" or "├─"
switch type element
when "table"
pre level, skip
io.write last and "└─" or "├─"
print element.title and "┬─ "..element.title or "┐"
tree element, level+1, skip .. (last and "y" or "n")
tree element, last and ' ' or '│ '
pre level, skip
if idx<#tab
print "├─ "..element
print "└─ "..element
print tostring element
import max from math
column = (col) ->
@ -52,18 +40,30 @@ column = (col) ->
box = (box) ->
column { box }
CLASS = [[
print vim.col {
{ 'Class' } -- Title
-- Members
-- Methods
draw = ->
for line in * {
{ "─", "│", "┼" }
{ "┌", "┐", "└", "┘" }
{ "├", "┤", "┬", "┴" }
{ "╼" ,"╽" ,"╾" ,"╾" }
{ "╼", "╽", "╾", "╾" }
print table.concat(line, " ")
print table.concat(line, " ")
:tree, :column, :box, :draw
:tree, :column, :box, :draw, :CLASS
-- Aliases
col: column