Add wrapping point to vim statusline

This commit is contained in:
Talia 2020-08-17 15:43:25 +02:00
parent bdf92305b0
commit 1d786b1131
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ end
set listchars=eol,tab:\│\ ,trail,nbsp:…,space
set modeline " Allows setting vim options in other files
set statusline=\ (%n)\ %f\ %a\ [%M%R]\ [%Y]\ %{strlen(@\")}\ %{&autowriteall?'💾\ ':''}%#TabLine#%{exists(\"b:blame\")?b:blame[min([getcurpos()[1],len(b:blame)])-1][\"short\"]:\"\"}%#StatusLine#\%=0x%B\ [%l/%L,\ %c%V]\ %4.P
set statusline=\ (%n)\ %f\ %a\ [%M%R]\ [%Y]\ %{strlen(@\")}\ %{&autowriteall?'💾\ ':''}%<%#TabLine#%{exists(\"b:blame\")?b:blame[min([getcurpos()[1],len(b:blame)])-1][\"short\"]:\"\"}%#StatusLine#\%=0x%B\ [%l/%L,\ %c%V]\ %4.P
set laststatus=2
set cmdheight=1
set timeoutlen=1200