Add SplitBlame vim command

This commit is contained in:
Talia 2020-08-25 09:42:16 +02:00
parent f17f7da524
commit 71a55df4e9
1 changed files with 19 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -231,6 +231,25 @@ endfun
au BufReadPost * try | let b:blame=<SID>git_blame("","") | catch | unlet! b:blame | endtry
au BufWritePost * try | let b:blame=<SID>git_blame("","") | catch | unlet! b:blame | endtry
command! -nargs=? SplitBlame exec
\| exec 'normal m"gg'
\| set cursorbind scrollbind
\| vert bel split
\| exec 'Scratch blame'
\| set cursorbind scrollbind
\| exec 'r !git blame #'
\| 1delete 1
\| silent %s/ *+.*$//
\| silent %s/(//
\| silent %s/^\(\x\{8}\) \(.*\)$/\2 \1/
\| silent %s/^.*0\{8}$//
\| call matchadd('Comment', '\x\+$')
\| call matchadd('Comment', '\d\{4}-\d\{2}-\d\{2} \d\{2}:\d\{2}:\d\{2}')
\| call matchadd('Todo', <q-args>)
\| vertical resize 50
\| exec "normal h"
\| exec 'normal `"'
command! -range -nargs=? Blame call <SID>blame_command(<q-args>, <line1>, <line2>)
command! -range DBlame !git blame % -L <line1>,<line2>
command! GitNext call <sid>git_next()