Add TODO functionality to vimrc

- rename Todo to Todos
- create new Todo command that opens a new file with some custom matches
This commit is contained in:
Talia 2019-05-27 09:51:05 +02:00
parent 119610c6b3
commit 7bfb0eb1df
1 changed files with 6 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ command! QAddLine call QuickfixAddLine(expand("%"), line("."), getline("."))
command! LAddCursor call LocationAddLineCol(expand("%"), line("."), getline("."), col("."))
command! QAddCursor call QuickfixAddLineCol(expand("%"), line("."), getline("."), col("."))
command! Fixme call setloclist(0, MatchingLinesDict("\\c\\<fixme.*"))
command! Todo call setloclist(0, MatchingLinesDict("\\c\\<todo.*"))
command! Fixmes call setloclist(0, MatchingLinesDict("\\c\\<fixme.*"))
command! Todos call setloclist(0, MatchingLinesDict("\\c\\<todo.*"))
command! -nargs=1 LFind call setloclist(0, MatchingLinesDict(<args>))
command! -nargs=1 QFind call setqflist(MatchingLinesDict(<args>))
@ -433,6 +433,10 @@ endfun
command! Snapshot call <sid>snapshot()
command! -nargs=? Scratch enew | set buftype=nofile | set filetype=<args>
command! Todo enew | set buftype=nofile | set filetype=markdown |
\ call matchadd('Todo', '^\[ \?\].*$') |
\ call matchadd('Comment', '^\[x\].*$') |
\ call matchadd('Error', '^\[-\].*$')
command! -nargs=? Tempfile exec 'new '.tempname() | set filetype=<args> | au BufDelete <buffer> call delete(expand('%'))
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