set guioptions-=T set guioptions-=m set guioptions-=e set cursorline " Highlight cursor line if !exists("g:colors") let g:colors=['slate', 'desert', 'blue', 'ron', 'elflord', 'murphy', 'torte'] end function! Randomcolor() let random = localtime() % len(g:colors) execute "colorscheme ".g:colors[random] endfunction function! SetFont() if exists("g:font_size_template") && exists("g:font_size") let &guifont=substitute(g:font_size_template, "%%", g:font_size, "g") end endfun function! SetFontSize(size) let g:font_size=a:size call SetFont() endfun " Color list can be extended after including (sourcing) this file with " :let g:colors = extend(['list', 'of', 'color', 'schemes'], g:colors) " Color Stuff nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[0 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[1 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[2 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[3 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[4 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[5 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[6 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[7 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[8 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[9 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :exe "colorscheme ".g:colors[10 % len(g:colors)] nnoremap :call Randomcolor()