-- vim: set noexpandtab :miv -- -- ┌──────────────────────────┐ -- │ Generic Helper Functions │ -- └──────────────────────────┘ match_all = (str, pat, init=0) -> s,e = str\find(pat, init) if s then return str\sub(s,e), match_all(str, pat, e+1) match_lines = (str) -> match_all(str, '[^\n]+') tree = (tab, pref='') -> print tab.title and tab.title or '┐' for idx, element in ipairs tab last = idx == #tab first = idx == 1 io.write pref io.write last and "└─" or "├─" switch type element when "table" tree element, pref .. (last and ' ' or '│ ') else print tostring element pad = (str='', len) -> str..string.rep(" ", len-#str) -- ┌──────────────────┐ -- │ Actual Functions │ -- └──────────────────┘ import max from math chktbl = (obj) -> error("Object is not a table", 2) if type(obj) ~= 'table' to_tab = (obj) -> type(obj)=='table' and obj or {match_lines tostring obj} tab = (rows) -> -- Get Measurements chktbl(rows) width = {} height = {} for row, fields in ipairs rows chktbl(fields) height[row] = 1 for col, lines in ipairs fields lines = to_tab lines height[row] = max(height[row], #lines) for line in *lines do width[col] = max(width[col] or 1, #line) fields[col] = lines bars = [string.rep('─', i+2) for i in *width] -- Top Line print '┌'..table.concat(bars, '┬')..'┐' -- Rows for row, fields in ipairs rows for line=1,height[row] io.write '│' -- Outer Left Border for col, lines in ipairs fields io.write ' '..pad(lines[line], width[col])..' ' io.write '│' if col < #fields print '│' -- Outer Left Border print '├'..table.concat(bars, '┼')..'┤' unless row == #rows print '└'..table.concat(bars, '┴')..'┘' col = (col) -> tab([{elem} for elem in *col]) row = (row) -> tab{row} box = (box) -> tab{{box}} CLASS = [[ print vim.col { { 'Class' } -- Title { -- Members } { -- Methods } } ]] draw = -> for line in * { { "─", "│", "┼" } { "┌", "┐", "└", "┘" } { "├", "┤", "┬", "┴" } { "╼", "╽", "╾", "╾" } } print table.concat(line, " ") { :tree, :box, :draw, :tab, :col, :row :CLASS -- Aliases table: tab }