# vim: set noexpandtab :miv # alias hello='echo "Hello :)"' alias temp='watch -t -d -n 1 sensors -A coretemp-isa-0000' alias w='watch -t -d -n 1' alias freq='watch -t -d -n 1 "cpufreq-info -c 0 -f; cpufreq-info -c 1 -f"' alias setclip='xclip -selection c' alias getclip='xclip -selection clipboard -o' alias wgetclip='wget `xclip -selection clipboard -o`' alias r='ranger' alias rr='(ranger)' alias ro='(f=$(tempfile); $(which ranger) --choosefiles $f; rifle $(cat $f); rm $f)' export HISTIGNORE='ls:clear:history' # alias cmatrix='cmatrix -b -C `r.choose green red blue white yellow cyan magenta black`' alias youtube-mp3='/home/darkwiiplayer/.local/bin/youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3' alias oneko='oneko -speed 20 -fg "#2f2f2f" -cursor 2 -name neko' alias sakura='oneko -bg "#ffddee" -sakura -name sakura' alias tmux='tmux -2' alias pi='ssh pi -t ''tmux a -t home \|\| tmux new-session -s home''' alias server='ssh server -t ''tmux a -t home \|\| tmux new-session -s home''' alias ltc='getclip | luac -l -' alias sign='gpg --armor --no-version --detach-sign --local-user darkwiiplayer' alias workspace='cd ~/workspace' alias shit='git' alias ranger='source ranger' alias ta='tmux a -t' alias co='checkout' stty -ixon # Enable Vi editing mode set -o vi git__prompt () { git rev-parse --show-toplevel > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] then echo -ne ' \033[00;33mδ' status=`git status --short 2>/dev/null` branch=`git branch | grep -Po '(?<=\* )[[:alnum:]_-]*'` modif=`echo "$status" | grep -Po '^\s*M' | wc -l` untracked=`echo "$status" | grep -Po '^\?\?' | wc -l` added=`echo "$status" | grep -Po '^\s*[A]' | wc -l` deleted=`echo "$status" | grep -Po '^\s*[D]' | wc -l` renamed=`echo "$status" | grep -Eo '^\s*R' | wc -l` stat=`git branch -vv | grep -P '^\*' | grep -Po '\[.*\]'` ahead=`echo $stat | grep -Po '(?<=ahead )\d*'` behind=`echo $stat | grep -Po '(?<=behind )\d*'` gray='\033[01;30m' blue='\033[01;34m' yellow='\033[01;33m' red='\033[01;31m' green='\033[01;32m' purple='\033[01;35m' # SYNC if [ -z $ahead ] && [ -z $behind ] then echo -ne "" # Nothing to do here elif [ -z $ahead ] then echo -ne " ${yellow}↓${behind}" elif [ -z $behind ] then echo -ne " ${green}↑${ahead}" else echo -ne " ${red}↓${behind}${red}↑${ahead}" fi # BRANCH if [ -z $branch ] then head=`git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>&1` if [[ "$head" =~ fatal* ]] then branch='{no commits}' else branch='#'"$head" fi fi if [ "$branch" = 'master' ] then echo -ne " $blue$branch" elif [ "${branch:0:1}" = '#' ] then echo -ne " $red$branch" else echo -ne " $yellow$branch" fi # CHANGES if [ $modif = 0 ] then echo -ne # "${gray}:\033[01;36m$modif" # No modified files else echo -ne "${gray}:\033[01;33m$modif" # Modified files fi if [ $added -ne 0 ] then echo -ne " ${green}+$added" fi if [ $deleted -ne 0 ] then echo -ne " ${red}-$deleted" fi if [ $renamed -ne 0 ] then echo -ne " ${yellow}$renamed→$renamed" fi if [ $untracked -ne 0 ] then echo -ne " ${purple}+$untracked" fi fi } PS1n='\[\033[00;34m\]┌─╼ \[\033[01;35m\]\u\[\033[00;34m\]@\[\033[01;35m\]\h \[\033[00;33m\]\$ \[\033[01;35m\]\w \[\033[01;34m\]`find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l`\[\033[00;34m\]d \[\033[01;32m\]`find -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l`\[\033[00;32m\]f\[\033[00m\]`git__prompt` \[\033[00;34m\]└╼ \[\033[00m\]' PS1c='\[\033[00;34m\]┌─╼ \[\033[00;33m\]\$ \[\033[01;35m\]\u`git__prompt` \[\033[01;35m\]`basename \`dirs +0\`` \[\033[01;34m\]`find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l`\[\033[00;34m\]d \[\033[01;32m\]`find -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l`\[\033[00;32m\]f\[\033[00m\] \[\033[00;34m\]└╼ \[\033[00m\]' PS1=$PS1n cd() { if [ -f .bashcdout ] then source .bashcdout fi builtin cd "$@" || return if [ -f .bashcd ] then source .bashcd fi } export GPG_TTY="$(tty)" # This is necessary for the gpg-agent, apparently