-- vim: set noexpandtab :miv -- tree = (tab, level=0, skip="") -> if level==0 print "┐" pre = (lvl, skip) -> for i=1,lvl if skip\sub(i,i) == "y" io.write " " else io.write "│ " for idx, element in ipairs tab last = idx == #tab switch type element when "table" pre level, skip io.write last and "└─" or "├─" print element.title and "┬─ "..element.title or "┐" tree element, level+1, skip .. (last and "y" or "n") else pre level, skip if idx<#tab print "├─ "..element else print "└─ "..element import max from math column = (col) -> if type(col)!="table" then col = {col} pad = (str, len) -> str..string.rep(" ", len-#str) width = 0 for box in *col if type(box)!="table" then box = {box} for elem in *box width = max(width, #elem) print "┌─"..string.rep("─",width).."─┐" for idx,box in ipairs(col) if type(box)!="table" then box={box} last = idx==#col for elem in *box io.write "│ " io.write pad elem, width io.write " │" print! unless last print "├─"..string.rep("─",width).."─┤" print "└─"..string.rep("─",width).."─┘" box = (box) -> column { box } draw = -> for line in * { { "─", "│", "┼" } { "┌", "┐", "└", "┘" } { "├", "┤", "┬", "┴" } { "╼" ,"╽" ,"╾" ,"╾" } } print table.concat(line, " ") { :tree, :column, :box, :draw -- Aliases col: column }