" vim: set noexpandtab :miv " " ┌─────────────────┐ " " └─┬─┬───┬─┬───┬─┬─┘ " " │ │ │ │ │ │ " " │ │ │ │ │ │ " " ┌─┴─┴───┴─┴───┴─┴─┐ " " ┌┘ Git Stuff └┐ " " └───────────────────┘ " augroup git " Find the root of a git repository function! s:gitroot() let l:ret = substitute(system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel'), '\n\_.*', '', '') if v:shell_error throw l:ret else return l:ret end endf function! s:cd_git_root(path) let l:path = fnamemodify(expand(a:path), ':p') let l:wd = getcwd() if isdirectory(l:path) exec 'cd '.a:path elseif filereadable(l:path) exec 'cd '.fnamemodify(l:path, ':h') else throw 'Invalid Path' endif let l:ret = substitute(system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel'), '\n\_.*', '', '') if v:shell_error exec 'cd '.l:wd throw 'Not a git repo!' else exec 'cd '.l:ret return l:ret end endf function! s:init_file() if !exists("b:git_original_file") let l:git_original_file = substitute(expand("%"), "\\\\", "/", "g") let l:git_revision_hash = system("git") end endfun function! s:previous_commit() " TODO: Refactor this block into s:git_init_buffer() and set buffer " variables instead. if exists("b:git_original_file") " Is this already a file@revision buffer? let l:fname = b:git_original_file let l:revision = b:git_revision_hash else let l:fname = substitute(expand("%"), "\\\\", "/", "g") let l:revision = 'HEAD' end let l:commit = system('git log --format="%h" -1 '.l:revision.'~1 '.l:fname) return substitute(l:commit, "\n", "", "") endfun function! s:next_commit() " TODO: See previous_commit() if exists("b:git_original_file") " Is this already a file@revision buffer? let l:fname = b:git_original_file let l:revision = b:git_revision_hash else let l:fname = substitute(expand("%"), "\\\\", "/", "g") let l:revision = 'HEAD' end let l:commit = system('git log --format="%h" '.l:revision.'..HEAD '.l:fname.' | tail -2 | head -1') return substitute(l:commit, "\n", "", "") endfun function! s:git_first() " FIXME: Broken after removing git_history; " see TODO in previous_commit() if &modified throw "File has unsaved modifications!" end call s:file_at_revision(get(s:git_history(), -1)) endfun function! s:git_last() " FIXME: Broken after removing git_history; " see TODO in previous_commit() if &modified throw "File has unsaved modifications!" end call s:file_at_revision(get(s:git_history(), 1, "HEAD")) endfun function! s:git_info() if !exists("b:git_revision_hash") || !exists("b:git_original_file") echom "Working copy or not in any repo" return 0 end echo system("git show --no-patch ".b:git_revision_hash) endfun function! s:git_next() let l:next = s:next_commit() if l:next == "" exec 'e! '.b:git_original_file echom "No newer versions available! (Loading working copy) 😱" else call s:file_at_revision(l:next) end endfun function! s:git_prev() let l:next = s:previous_commit() if l:next == "" echom "No older versions available! 😱" else call s:file_at_revision(l:next) end endfun function! s:go_blame() if exists("b:blame") let l:next = b:blame[min([getcurpos()[1], len(b:blame)])-1]["commit"] if exists("b:git_revision_hash") && l:next == b:git_revision_hash echom "No older versions available! 😱" else call s:file_at_revision(l:next) end else throw "Not a git buffer!" end endfun function! s:file_at_revision(rev) let l:pos = getpos(".") if exists("b:git_original_file") " Is this already a file@revision buffer? let l:fname = b:git_original_file let l:ftail = fnamemodify(b:git_original_file, ":t") else let l:fname = expand("%") let l:ftail = expand("%:t") end let l:fname = substitute(l:fname, "\\\\", "/", "g") let l:ftype = &filetype ene! set modifiable silent exec "file ".l:ftail."@".a:rev exec "r!git show ".a:rev.":".system("git ls-files --full-name ".l:fname) 1,1del setl nomodifiable setl buftype=nofile setl bufhidden=delete let &filetype = l:ftype let b:git_original_file = l:fname let b:git_revision_hash = a:rev try let b:blame=s:git_blame("","") catch unlet! b:blame endtry call setpos('.', l:pos) endfun function s:split_blame_entry(idx, entry) let l:map = {} for l:pair in split(a:entry, "\n")[1:] let l:split = match(l:pair, " ") let l:map[l:pair[:l:split-1]] = l:pair[l:split+1:] endfor let l:map["commit"]=a:entry[:match(a:entry, " ")-1] let l:map["time"]=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", l:map["committer-time"]) let l:map["date"]=strftime("%Y-%m-%d", l:map["committer-time"]) if l:map["author"]=="Not Committed Yet" let l:map["short"]="(Uncommitted)" else let l:map["short"]=l:map["commit"][:6]." ".l:map["time"]." ".l:map["author"] end return l:map endfun let s:split_blame_entry_ref = funcref("s:split_blame_entry") function! s:git_blame(first, last) if exists("b:git_revision_hash") let l:revision = b:git_revision_hash let l:name = b:git_original_file else let l:revision = "" let l:name = expand("%") end if a:first.a:last == "" let l:command = 'git blame '.l:revision.' --line-porcelain -- '.l:name else let l:command = 'git blame '.l:revision.' --line-porcelain -L '.a:first.','.a:last.' -- '.l:name end let l:input = system(l:command) if v:shell_error throw v:shell_error else let l:split = split(l:input, '\n\t[^\n]*\n') let l:array = map(l:split, s:split_blame_entry_ref) return l:array end endfun function! s:git_root_to_path() let l:root = substitute(system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel'), '\n\_.*', '', '') if !v:shell_error let &path.=','.l:root.'/**' end endfun call s:git_root_to_path() function! s:blame_command(what, line1, line2) let l:what=tolower(a:what) if l:what=="date" echom join(uniq(sort(map(git_blame(a:line1, a:line2), { i,a -> a["date"] }))), ', ') elseif l:what=="adate" echom join(uniq(sort(map(git_blame(a:line1, a:line2), { i,a -> a["author"]." @ ".a["date"] }))), ', ') elseif l:what=="mail" echom join(uniq(sort(map(git_blame(a:line1, a:line2), { i,a -> a["committer-mail"] }))), ', ') elseif l:what=="author" || l:what=="" echom join(uniq(sort(map(git_blame(a:line1, a:line2), { i,a -> a["author"] }))), ', ') else throw "Don't know what '".a:what."' is!" end endfun au BufReadPost * try | let b:blame=git_blame("","") | catch | unlet! b:blame | endtry au BufWritePost * try | let b:blame=git_blame("","") | catch | unlet! b:blame | endtry command! -nargs=? SplitBlame exec \| exec 'normal m"gg' \| set cursorbind scrollbind \| vert bel split \| exec 'Scratch blame' \| set cursorbind scrollbind \| exec 'r !git blame #' \| 1delete 1 \| silent %s/ *+.*$// \| silent %s/(// \| silent %s/^\(\x\{8}\) \(.*\)$/\2 \1/ \| silent %s/^.*0\{8}$// \| call matchadd('Comment', '\x\+$') \| call matchadd('Comment', '\d\{4}-\d\{2}-\d\{2} \d\{2}:\d\{2}:\d\{2}') \| call matchadd('Todo', ) \| vertical resize 50 \| exec "normal h" \| exec 'normal `"' command! -range -nargs=? Blame call blame_command(, , ) command! -range DBlame !git blame % -L , command! GitNext call git_next() \| GitInfo command! GitPrev call git_prev() \| GitInfo command! GitGoBlame call go_blame() \| GitInfo command! GitFirst call git_first() | call s:git_info() command! GitLast call git_last() | call s:git_info() command! GitInfo call git_info() command! -nargs=1 GitCheckout call file_at_revision() command! GitRoot call cd_git_root('%') command! GitOrig exec 'e '.b:git_original_file command! ShowGitRoot try \| echo gitroot() \| catch | echo 'Not a git repository' \| endtry command! GitDiff diffthis | vert bel split | exec "silent GitPrev" | diffthis augroup END