
69 lines
1.3 KiB

-- vim: set noexpandtab :miv --
tree = (tab, pref='') ->
print tab.title and tab.title or '┐'
for idx, element in ipairs tab
last = idx == #tab
first = idx == 1
io.write pref
io.write last and "└─" or "├─"
switch type element
when "table"
tree element, pref .. (last and ' ' or '│ ')
print tostring element
import max from math
column = (col) ->
if type(col)!="table" then col = {col}
pad = (str, len) ->
str..string.rep(" ", len-#str)
width = 0
for box in *col
if type(box)!="table" then box = {box}
for elem in *box
width = max(width, #elem)
print "┌─"..string.rep("─",width).."─┐"
for idx,box in ipairs(col)
if type(box)!="table" then box={box}
last = idx==#col
for elem in *box
io.write "│ "
io.write pad elem, width
io.write " │"
unless last
print "├─"..string.rep("─",width).."─┤"
print "└─"..string.rep("─",width).."─┘"
box = (box) ->
column { box }
CLASS = [[
print vim.col {
{ 'Class' } -- Title
-- Members
-- Methods
draw = ->
for line in * {
{ "─", "│", "┼" }
{ "┌", "┐", "└", "┘" }
{ "├", "┤", "┬", "┴" }
{ "╼", "╽", "╾", "╾" }
print table.concat(line, " ")
:tree, :column, :box, :draw, :CLASS
-- Aliases
col: column