By default, git fixup will now only consider files that have been edited in the last commit. Other files can still be added manually by simply listing them on the commandline.
38 lines
1.1 KiB
38 lines
1.1 KiB
# vim: set filetype=gitconfig :miv #
# [include]
# path = $HOME/path/to/this/file
editor = vim -f
excludesfile = .gitignore.local
# Sign commits by default
gpgSign = true
tool = vimdiff
guitool = gvimdiff
confirm = false
prompt = false
tool = vimdiff
default = matching
head = log -1 --show-signature --format=fuller
adog = log --all --decorate --oneline --graph --date-order
dog = log --decorate --oneline --graph --date-order
stat = log --oneline --stat --date-order
identity = "! git config \"$(git config user.$\"; git config \"$(git config user.$\"; :"
root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
fixup = "!git commit --patch --no-edit --amend $(git diff --name-only HEAD~1..HEAD)"
ts = timeshift
task = "! TASKDATA=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/task task"
track = add --intent-to-add
h = log -1 --format=%h
hash = log -1 --format=%H
useConfigOnly = true
[user "darkwiiplayer"]
# Public identity for Github & co.
name = DarkWiiPlayer
email =