Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v1.1.0" have entirely different histories.

26 changed files with 81 additions and 228 deletions

View file

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
return {
_all = {
lpath = "?.lua;?/init.lua"
core = {
recursive = false

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
indent_style = tab

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"workspace.checkThirdParty": false

glass-dev-1.rockspec Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package = "glass"
version = "dev-1"
source = {
url = "git+"
description = {
homepage = "",
license = "Unlicense"
dependencies = {
build = {
type = "builtin",
modules = {
glass = "glass.lua",
["glass.cosmo"] = "glass/cosmo.lua",
[""] = "glass/discount.lua",
["glass.environment"] = "glass/environment.lua",
["glass.json"] = "glass/json.lua",
["glass.lua"] = "glass/lua.lua",
["glass.moonhtml"] = "glass/moonhtml.lua",
["glass.raw"] = "glass/raw.lua",
["glass.skooma"] = "glass/skooma.lua",
["glass.table"] = "glass/table.lua",
["glass.yaml"] = "glass/yaml.lua"

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
package = "glass"
version = "dev-2"
source = {
url = "git+"
description = {
summary = "A library to load configuration files by accessing tables",
homepage = "",
license = "Unlicense"
dependencies = {
build = {
type = "builtin",
modules = {
glass = "glass.lua",
["glass.cosmo"] = "glass/cosmo.lua",
["glass.csv"] = "glass/csv.lua",
[""] = "glass/discount.lua",
["glass.environment"] = "glass/environment.lua",
["glass.error"] = "glass/error.lua",
["glass.fennel"] = "glass/fennel.lua",
["glass.json"] = "glass/json.lua",
["glass.lua"] = "glass/lua.lua",
["glass.raw"] = "glass/raw.lua",
["glass.skooma.html"] = "glass/skooma/html.lua",
["glass.skooma.xml"] = "glass/skooma/xml.lua",
["glass.table"] = "glass/table.lua",
["glass.yaml"] = "glass/yaml.lua",

View file

@ -8,21 +8,15 @@ local config = {}
local __metatable = {}
function __metatable:__index(index)
if type(index)~="string" then
return nil
local dot = index:find(".", 1, true)
if dot then
return self[index:sub(1, dot-1)][index:sub(dot+1)]
if type(index)~="string" then return nil end
local path = self.__dir..'/'..index
local attributes = lfs.attributes(path)
if attributes and attributes.mode=='directory' then
return config.bind(path, self.__loaders)
for _, loader in ipairs(self.__loaders) do
local success, result = loader(path)
if success then
local result = loader(path)
if result then
rawset(self, index, result)
return result

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- @module glass.cosmo
local cosmo = require 'cosmo'
local raw = require 'glass.raw'
local readfile = require 'restia.config.readfile'
--- Loads a cosmo template from a file and returns the compiled template.
-- Returns nil if no template can be found.
@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ local raw = require 'glass.raw'
-- @function load
return function(name)
name = tostring(name) .. '.cosmo'
local text = raw(name)
local text = readfile(name)
if text then
return true, assert(cosmo.compile(text, name))
return assert(cosmo.compile(text, name))
return nil

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
--- Loader for CSV-Data using streamcsv
-- @module glass.csv
local csv = require 'streamcsv'
--- Loads a CSV-File and returns a corresponding Lua table.
-- CSV file is assumed to have a header row.
-- @treturn table CSV-Data
-- @function load
return function(name)
local file ='.csv')
if file then
return true, csv.file(file)

View file

@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ return function(name)
local file =
if file then
local html = discount(file:read("*a"))
return true, function()
return function()
return html
return nil

View file

@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
--- Loads values from environment variables
-- @treturn string The value of the environment variable
return function(name)
return true, os.getenv(name:match("[^/].+$"))
return os.getenv(name:match("[^/].+$"))

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
return function(name)
error("Could not load config "" with any loader", 2)

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
--- Loader for Fennel files
-- @module glass.fennel
local fennel = require "fennel"
local read = require 'glass.raw'
--- Loads and compiles a Fennel file and runs it.
-- Returns the result of running the Fennel file.
-- If running the code immediately is not desired,
-- it has to be returned as a function.
-- @return The result of the Fennel file after running it
-- @function load
return function(file)
local success, raw = read(file..'.fnl')
if success then
return true, fennel.eval(raw)

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- @module glass.json
local json = require 'cjson'
local read = require 'glass.raw'
local readfile = require 'restia.cofnig.readfile'
--- Loads a JSON-File and returns a corresponding Lua table.
-- May return non-table values for invalid JSON,
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ local read = require 'glass.raw'
-- @treturn table JSON-Data
-- @function load
return function(file)
local success, raw = read(file..'.json')
if success then
return true, json.decode(raw)
local raw = readfile(file..'.json')
if raw then
return json.decode(raw)

View file

@ -9,7 +9,5 @@
-- @function load
return function(name)
local f = loadfile(name..'.lua')
if f then
return true, f()
return f and f() or nil

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
--- Loader for MoonHTML files
-- @module glass.moonhtml
local template = require 'restia.template'
--- Loads and compiles a moonhtml template.
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ return function(name)
name = tostring(name) .. '.moonhtml'
local file =
if file then
return true, assert(template.loadmoon(file:read("*a"), name))
return assert(template.loadmoon(file:read("*a"), name))
return nil

View file

@ -6,10 +6,8 @@
-- @function load
return function(path)
local f =
if not f then
return false
if not f then return end
local result = f:read("*a")
return true, result
return result

glass/skooma.lua Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
--- Loader for Skooma templates
-- @module glass.skooma
local skooma = require 'skooma'
--- Loads a Lua file with the Skooma environment and runs it.
-- Normally, the file should return a function
-- to follow restia template semantics.
-- @return The result of the template file.
-- @function load
return function(name)
name = tostring(name)..'.skooma'
local template = loadfile(name, "tb", skooma.default)
template = template and template()
if template then
return template

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
--- Loader for Skooma templates
-- @module glass.skooma
local html = require('skooma.env')('html')
local env = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, key)
if _G[key] ~= nil then
return _G[key]
return html[key]
--- Loads a Lua file with the Skooma environment and runs it.
-- Normally, the file should return a function
-- to follow restia template semantics.
-- @return The result of the template file.
-- @function load
return function(name)
name = tostring(name)..'.html.skooma'
local template, err = loadfile(name, "t", env)
if template == nil then
return nil, err
if setfenv then
setfenv(template, env)
return true, template

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
--- Loader for Skooma templates
-- @module glass.skooma
local xml = require('skooma.env')('xml')
local env = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, key)
if _G[key] ~= nil then
return _G[key]
return xml[key]
--- Loads a Lua file with the Skooma environment and runs it.
-- Normally, the file should return a function
-- to follow restia template semantics.
-- @return The result of the template file.
-- @function load
return function(name)
name = tostring(name)..'.xml.skooma'
local template, err = loadfile(name, "t", env)
if template == nil then
return nil, err
if setfenv then
setfenv(template, env)
return true, template

View file

@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
-- @treturn function A loader function to be used with `glass.bind`
return function(input)
return function(name)
local result = input[name:match("[^/].+$")]
if result then
return true, result
return input[name:match("[^/].+$")]

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- @module glass.yaml
local yaml = require 'lyaml'
local read = require 'glass.raw'
local readfile = require 'restia.config.readfile'
--- Loads a YAML-File and returns a corresponding Lua table.
-- May return non-table values for invalid YAML,
@ -11,11 +11,8 @@ local read = require 'glass.raw'
-- @treturn table YAML-Data
-- @function load
return function(file)
local success, raw = read(file..'.yml')
if not success then
success, raw = read(file..'.yaml')
if success then
return true, yaml.load(raw)
local raw = readfile(file..'.yml') or readfile(file..'.yaml')
if raw then
return yaml.load(raw)

View file

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ Assume the file `app/config/settings.json` exists in your project directory with
local glass = require 'glass'
local config = glass.bind('app/config', {
(require 'glass.json');
(require 'glass.error'); -- Throw error if nothing matches
print( -- prints "User"
@ -28,24 +27,17 @@ A glass loader is initialised with a list of loaders and will try each of them i
## Loaders
Glass offers the following loaders out of the box:
* `cosmo` loads cosmo templates
* `csv` loads csv files (with header line)
* `discount` loads markdown files\*.
* `environment` loads environment variables.
* `fennel` loads and executes fennel files.
* `json` loads a JSON file as a Lua table. (requires `cjson`)
* `json` loads a JSON file as a Lua table.
* `lua` loads and executes a Lua file.
* `moonhtml` loads a MoonHTML template and returns it as a function.
* `readfile` loads a file as a string.
* `skooma.html` loads a `.html.skooma` template and returns it as a function.
* `skooma.xml` same as above for `.xml.skooma`.
* `skooma` loads a skooma template and returns it as a function.
* `table` looks up values in a Lua table
* `yaml` loads a YAML file as a Lua table. (requires `lyaml`)
* `error` pseudo-loader that throws an error.
* `yaml` loads a YAML file as a Lua table.
\* For easier interoperability with other template loaders, the `discount` loader returns a static function which can be called to return the generated HTML. The markdown file is only parsed the first time.
Note that some of these loaders require additional dependencies that are not included with glass to keep the installation small.
### Custom Loaders
A glass loader is simply a Lua function that takes as its argument a path to a
@ -54,8 +46,6 @@ file and attempts to load it into a Lua value.
Loaders will typically add an extension to the given file name before checking
whether that file exists and can be loaded.
A successful loader should return `true` followed by its result.
When a loader can't load a key, it should return `false` and an optional
description of why.
When a loader encounters an error (file found but can't be parsed), it should
When a loader cannot find the expected file, it should return `nil` to let glass
continue the loader chain. When a loader returns a truthy value, this will be
used and no further loaders will be tried.

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
describe 'fennel loader', ->
before_each -> export loader = require 'glass.fennel'
it 'loads Fennel files', ->
success, result = loader 'spec/fixtures/test'
assert.true success
assert.same { foo: 'bar', tab: {} }, result

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
{"foo" "bar"
"tab" []}

View file

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
describe 'raw loader', ->
before_each -> export loader = require 'glass.raw'
it 'loads files as plain text', ->
assert.same {true, 'plain text\n'}, {loader 'spec/fixtures/test'}
assert.same 'plain text\n', loader 'spec/fixtures/test'
describe 'lua loader', ->
before_each -> export loader = require 'glass.lua'
it 'loads Lua files', ->
success, result = loader 'spec/fixtures/test'
assert.true success
assert.same { foo: 'bar', tab: {} }, result
assert.same { foo: 'bar', tab: {} }, loader 'spec/fixtures/test'

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
local task = require 'spooder' .task
task.test {
description = "Runs tests";
'rm luacov.stats.out || true';
'luacheck . *.rockspec';
'busted --coverage --lpath "?.lua"';
'luacov -r html glass.lua';
task.documentation {
description = "Builds and pushes the documentation";
depends = "test";
hash=$(git log -1 --format=%h)
mkdir -p doc/coverage
cp -r luacov-html/* doc/coverage
ldoc .
cd doc
find . | treh -c
git add --all
if git log -1 --format=%s | grep "$hash$"
then git commit --amend --no-edit
else git commit -m "Update documentation to $hash"
git push --force origin doc
cd ../
git stash pop || true