export class BetterHTMLElement extends HTMLElement { attributeChangedCallback(name, old, value) { if (name+"Changed" in this) this[name+"Changed"](value, old) } // Array of connected callbacks #connected = []; // connectedCallback but as a promise. // Resolves instantly when already connected and can be used more than once. get connected() { if (this.isConnected) return Promise.resolve(this) else return new Promise( (yes, no) => this.#connected.push({yes, no}) ) } // Resolves all `connected promises connectedCallback() { this.#connected.forEach( e => e.yes(this) ); this.#connected = []; } setContent(...content) { this.innerHTML = "" content.forEach( element => this.appendChild(element) ) } set content(content) { this.setContent(content) } // Fancier way to register an element // TODO: Unregister old names first // TODO: Register name internally static set tagName(name) { customElements.define(name, this) } // Adds property/attribute mappings to the object. static initialize(name = this.name) { const names = Object .getOwnPropertyNames(this.prototype) .filter(name => name.search(/Changed$/)+1) .map(name => name.replace(/Changed$/, '')) Object.defineProperty(this, "observedAttributes", { get() { return names } }) names.forEach( attr => Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, attr, { get() { return this.getAttribute(attr) }, set(val) { this.setAttribute(attr, val) } })) name = name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() customElements.define(name, this) return name } } /* Example: class FooBar extends BetterHTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({mode: "open"}); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `


` } nameChanged(name) { this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#name").innerHTML=name; } } FooBar.initialize() */