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// Keep a referee alive until a referrer is collected
const weakReferences = new WeakMap()
const untilDeathDoThemPart = (referrer, reference) => {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
if (!weakReferences.has(referrer)) weakReferences.set(referrer, new Set())
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
class MultiAbortController {
#controller = new AbortController()
get signal() { return this.#controller.signal }
abort() { this.#controller.abort(); this.#controller = new AbortController() }
export const empty = Symbol("Explicit empty argument for Skooma")
2023-09-18 09:45:36 +00:00
const keyToPropName = key => key.replace(/^[A-Z]/, a => "-"+a).replace(/[A-Z]/g, a => '-'+a.toLowerCase())
const insertStyles = (rule, styles) => {
2023-09-18 06:57:14 +00:00
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(styles))
if (typeof value == "undefined")
rule.setProperty(keyToPropName(key), value.toString())
2021-02-19 20:37:13 +00:00
const parseAttribute = (attribute) => {
2021-05-22 12:34:17 +00:00
if (typeof attribute == "string" || typeof attribute == "number")
2021-02-19 20:37:13 +00:00
return attribute
2022-04-12 20:35:44 +00:00
else if (attribute && "join" in attribute)
2021-02-19 20:37:13 +00:00
return attribute.join(" ")
return JSON.stringify(attribute)
const defined = (value, fallback) => typeof value != "undefined" ? value : fallback
const getCustom = args => args.reduce(
(current, argument) => Array.isArray(argument)
? defined(getCustom(argument), current)
: (argument && typeof argument == "object")
? defined(, current)
: current
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
export const isReactive = object => object
&& typeof object == "object"
&& !(object instanceof HTMLElement)
&& object.subscribe
const toChild = arg => {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
if (typeof arg == "string" || typeof arg == "number")
return document.createTextNode(arg)
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
else if (arg instanceof HTMLElement)
return arg
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
else if (isReactive(arg))
return reactiveChild(arg)
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
2024-01-24 08:51:49 +00:00
return document.createComment("Placeholder for reactive content")
const reactiveChild = reactive => {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
let ref
const abort = reactive.subscribe(value => {
if (ref && !ref.deref()) return abort()
const child = toChild(value)
if (ref) ref.deref().replaceWith(child)
untilDeathDoThemPart(child, reactive)
ref = new WeakRef(child)
return ref.deref()
const specialAttributes = {
value: {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
get() { return this.value },
set(value) {
this.setAttribute("value", value)
this.value = value
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
hook(callback) { this.addEventListener("input", callback) }
style: {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
set(value) { insertStyles(, value) }
dataset: {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
set(value) {
for (const [attribute2, value2] of Object.entries(value)) {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
this.dataset[attribute2] = parseAttribute(value2)
shadowRoot: {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
set(value) {
parseArgs((this.shadowRoot || this.attachShadow({mode: "open"})), value)
const setAttribute = (element, attribute, value, cleanupSignal) => {
const special = specialAttributes[attribute]
if (isReactive(value))
setReactiveAttribute(element, attribute, value)
else if (typeof value === "function")
2024-01-24 13:51:45 +00:00
element.addEventListener(attribute, value, {signal: cleanupSignal})
else if (special) {
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00, value)
else if (value === true)
{if (!element.hasAttribute(attribute)) element.setAttribute(attribute, '')}
else if (value === false)
else {
element.setAttribute(attribute, parseAttribute(value))
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
const setReactiveAttribute = (element, attribute, reactive) => {
untilDeathDoThemPart(element, reactive)
2024-01-24 13:50:51 +00:00
const multiAbort = new MultiAbortController()
let old
reactive.subscribe(value => {
old = value
setAttribute(element, attribute, value, multiAbort.signal)
if (special?.hook && reactive.set) {, () => {
const value =, attribute)
if (value != old) reactive.set() = value
const parseArgs = (element, ...args) => {
if (element.content) element = element.content
for (const arg of args) if (arg !== empty) {
2024-01-24 08:51:49 +00:00
if (arg instanceof Array) {
parseArgs(element, ...arg)
2024-01-24 08:51:49 +00:00
} else {
const child = toChild(arg)
if (child)
else if (arg === undefined || arg == null)
console.warn(`An argument of type ${typeof arg} has been ignored`, element)
else if (typeof arg == "function" && arg.length == 0)
parseArgs(element, arg())
else if (typeof arg == "function")
for (const key in arg)
setAttribute(element, key, arg[key])
const node = (name, args, options) => {
2021-03-05 12:29:21 +00:00
let element
2023-09-18 06:57:14 +00:00
const custom = getCustom(args)
const opts = custom && {is: String(custom)}
2022-04-28 07:11:11 +00:00
if ("nameFilter" in options) name = options.nameFilter(name)
if (options.xmlns)
element = document.createElementNS(options.xmlns, name, opts)
element = document.createElement(name, opts)
parseArgs(element, args)
return element
const nameSpacedProxy = (options={}) => new Proxy(Window, {
2023-09-18 06:57:14 +00:00
get: (_target, prop, _receiver) => { return (...args) => node(prop, args, options) },
has: (_target, _prop) => true,
2023-09-18 09:45:36 +00:00
export const html = nameSpacedProxy({nameFilter: name => name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()})
export const svg = nameSpacedProxy({xmlns: ""})
export default html
2023-09-18 09:45:36 +00:00
// Other utility exports
// Wraps an event handler in a function that calls preventDefault on the event
export const handle = fn => event => { event.preventDefault(); return fn(event) }
2021-11-23 15:27:25 +00:00
2023-09-18 09:45:36 +00:00
// Wraps a list of elements in a document fragment
2022-06-22 13:51:03 +00:00
export const fragment = (...elements) => {
const fragment = new DocumentFragment()
2023-09-18 06:57:14 +00:00
for (const element of elements)
2022-06-22 13:51:03 +00:00
return fragment
2023-09-18 09:45:36 +00:00
// Turns a template literal into document fragment.
// Strings are returned as text nodes.
// Elements are inserted in between.
const textFromTemplate = (literals, items) => {
const fragment = new DocumentFragment()
for (const key in items) {
return fragment
export const text = (data="", ...items) =>
2022-02-06 11:56:54 +00:00
typeof data == "object" && "at" in data
? textFromTemplate(data, items)
: document.createTextNode(data)