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7a789d407e [WIP] Major refactor and API change for version 2.0 2024-01-17 15:16:46 +01:00
3 changed files with 141 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ class ChildObserver extends MutationObserver {
const childObserver = new ChildObserver()
export const lense = (methods, extra) => {
if (extra) return lense(extra)(methods)
@ -22,12 +24,12 @@ export const lense = (methods, extra) => {
} else if (prop === Symbol.iterator) {
return function*() {
for (const child of target.children) {
yield methods.get(child)
} else if (prop.match?.call(prop, /^[0-9]+$/)) {
const child = target.children[prop]
if (child) return
if (child) return methods.get(child)
return child
} else {
return Array.prototype[prop]
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ export const lense = (methods, extra) => {
if (prop.match?.call(prop, /^[0-9]+$/)) {
const child = target.children[prop]
if (child) {, value)
methods.set(child, value)
return true
} else {
for (let i = target.children.length; i < Number(prop); i++) {
@ -45,8 +47,8 @@ export const lense = (methods, extra) => {
const element =
if ( !== value), value)
if (methods.get(element) !== value)
methods.set(element, value)
return true
} else if (prop == "length") {
@ -69,8 +71,14 @@ export const lense = (methods, extra) => {
return element => {
if (!(element instanceof Element)) throw(new Error("Creating domLense on non-element"))
return new Proxy(element, traps)
const proxy = new Proxy(element, traps)
if (methods.event) childObserver.observe(element)
if (typeof methods.event === "function") element.addEventListener("change", event => {
methods.event(proxy, element, event.detail)
return proxy

View file

@ -1,30 +1,37 @@
A functional HTML generation library.
html.span("Delete everything", {class: ["warning", "important"]}),
html.button("Click", {onClick: e => document.body.innerHTML=""}),
html.ul([1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(x =>, {class: "numbers"})
// Keep a referee alive until a referrer is collected
const weakReferences = new WeakMap()
const untilDeathDoThemPart = (referrer, reference) => {
if (!weakReferences.has(referrer)) weakReferences.set(referrer, new Set())
if (!weakReferences.has(referrer)) {
weakReferences.set(referrer, new Set())
// Like AbortController, but resets after each abort
class MultiAbortController {
#controller = new AbortController()
get signal() { return this.#controller.signal }
abort() { this.#controller.abort(); this.#controller = new AbortController() }
export const empty = Symbol("Explicit empty argument for Skooma")
const snakeToCSS = key => key.replace(/^[A-Z]/, a => "-"+a).replace(/[A-Z]/g, a => '-'+a.toLowerCase())
const keyToPropName = key => key.replace(/^[A-Z]/, a => "-"+a).replace(/[A-Z]/g, a => '-'+a.toLowerCase())
const insertStyles = (rule, styles) => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(styles))
if (typeof value == "undefined")
rule.setProperty(snakeToCSS(key), value.toString())
rule.setProperty(keyToPropName(key), value.toString())
const processAttribute = (attribute) => {
const parseAttribute = (attribute) => {
if (typeof attribute == "string" || typeof attribute == "number")
return attribute
else if (attribute && "join" in attribute)
@ -43,54 +50,55 @@ const getCustom = args => args.reduce(
export const isReactive = object => object
&& typeof object == "object"
&& !(object instanceof HTMLElement)
&& object.subscribe
const isElement = object => HTMLElement.prototype.isPrototypeOf(object)
const isReactive = object => object
&& (object instanceof EventTarget)
&& ("subscribe" in object)
const toChild = arg => {
if (typeof arg == "string" || typeof arg == "number")
if (typeof arg == "string" || typeof arg == "number") {
return document.createTextNode(arg)
else if (arg instanceof HTMLElement)
} else if (isElement(arg)) {
return arg
else if (isReactive(arg))
} else if (isReactive(arg)) {
return reactiveChild(arg)
const reactiveChild = reactive => {
let ref
const abort = reactive.subscribe(value => {
if (ref && !ref.deref()) return abort()
const child = toChild(value) ?? document.createComment("Placeholder for reactive content")
untilDeathDoThemPart(child, reactive)
if (ref) ref.deref().replaceWith(child)
ref = new WeakRef(child)
const ref = new WeakRef(toChild(reactive.value))
reactive.addEventListener("change", () => {
const value = ref.deref()
if (value)
}, {once: true})
untilDeathDoThemPart(ref.deref(), reactive)
return ref.deref()
const specialAttributes = {
value: {
get() { return this.value },
set(value) {
this.setAttribute("value", value)
this.value = value
get: element => element.value,
set: (element, value) => {
element.setAttribute("value", value)
element.value = value
hook(callback) { this.addEventListener("input", callback) }
hook: (element, callback) => { element.addEventListener("input", callback) }
style: {
set(value) { insertStyles(, value) }
set: (element, value) => { insertStyles(, value) }
dataset: {
set(value) {
set: (element, value) => {
for (const [attribute2, value2] of Object.entries(value)) {
this.dataset[attribute2] = processAttribute(value2)
element.dataset[attribute2] = parseAttribute(value2)
shadowRoot: {
set(value) {
processArgs((this.shadowRoot || this.attachShadow({mode: "open"})), value)
set: (element, value) => {
parseArgs((element.shadowRoot || element.attachShadow({mode: "open"})), null, value)
@ -100,56 +108,58 @@ const setAttribute = (element, attribute, value, cleanupSignal) => {
if (isReactive(value))
setReactiveAttribute(element, attribute, value)
else if (typeof value === "function")
element.addEventListener(attribute, value, {signal: cleanupSignal})
else if (special?.set), value)
element.addEventListener(attribute.replace(/^on[A-Z]/, x => x.charAt(x.length-1).toLowerCase()), value, {signal: cleanupSignal})
else if (special) {
special.set(element, value)
else if (value === true)
{if (!element.hasAttribute(attribute)) element.setAttribute(attribute, '')}
else if (value === false)
else {
element.setAttribute(attribute, processAttribute(value))
element.setAttribute(attribute, parseAttribute(value))
// (Two-way) binding between an attribute and a state container
const setReactiveAttribute = (element, attribute, reactive) => {
const setReactiveAttribute = (element, attribute, reactive, abortController) => {
untilDeathDoThemPart(element, reactive)
const multiAbort = new MultiAbortController()
let old
reactive.subscribe(value => {
old = value
setAttribute(element, attribute, value, multiAbort.signal)
if (abortController) abortController.abort()
abortController = new AbortController()
const ref = new WeakRef(element)
setAttribute(element, attribute, reactive.value, abortController.signal)
reactive.addEventListener("change", () => {
const element = ref.deref()
if (element)
setReactiveAttribute(element, attribute, reactive, abortController)
}, {once: true})
const special = specialAttributes[attribute]
if (special?.hook && reactive.set) {, () => {
const value =, attribute)
if (value != old) reactive.set(value)
if (special?.hook) {
special.hook(element, () => {
const value = special.get(element, attribute)
if (value != reactive.value) reactive.value = value
const processArgs = (element, ...args) => {
const parseArgs = (element, before, ...args) => {
if (element.content) element = element.content
for (const arg of args) if (arg !== empty) {
if (arg instanceof Array) {
processArgs(element, ...arg)
} else {
const child = toChild(arg)
if (child)
else if (arg === undefined || arg == null)
console.warn(`An argument of type ${typeof arg} has been ignored`, element)
else if (typeof arg == "function" && arg.length == 0)
processArgs(element, arg())
else if (typeof arg == "function")
for (const key in arg)
setAttribute(element, key, arg[key])
const child = toChild(arg)
if (child)
element.insertBefore(child, before)
else if (arg === undefined || arg == null)
console.warn(`An argument of type ${typeof arg} has been ignored`, element)
else if (typeof arg == "function")
else if ("length" in arg)
parseArgs(element, before, ...arg)
for (const key in arg)
setAttribute(element, key, arg[key])
@ -163,7 +173,7 @@ const node = (name, args, options) => {
element = document.createElementNS(options.xmlns, name, opts)
element = document.createElement(name, opts)
processArgs(element, args)
parseArgs(element, null, args)
return element

View file

@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ export class SimpleState extends EventTarget {
return () => controller.abort()
get() { return this.value }
set(value) { this.value = value }
emit(property, from, to, options={}) {
const change = {property, from, to, ...options}
if (!this.synchronous) {
@ -124,6 +121,7 @@ export class SimpleState extends EventTarget {
export class State extends SimpleState {
static isState(object) { return SimpleState.prototype.isPrototypeOf(object) }
@ -149,52 +147,58 @@ export class State extends SimpleState {
forward(property="value", methods) {
return new ForwardState(this, property, methods)
set value(value) { this.values.value = value }
get value() { return this.values.value }
forward(property="value") {
if (!this.#forwardCache) this.#forwardCache = new Map()
const cached = this.#forwardCache.get(property)?.deref()
if (cached) {
return cached
} else {
const forwarded = new ForwardState(this, property)
const ref = new WeakRef(forwarded)
this.#forwardCache.set(property, ref)
forwardFinalizationRegistry.register(forwarded, [this.#forwardCache, property])
return forwarded
set(prop, value) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return this.set("value", prop)
set(...args) {
if (args.length === 1) return this.set("value", ...args)
const [prop, value] = args
this.#target[prop] = value
get(prop="value") {
get(...args) {
if (args.length === 0) return this.get("value")
const prop = args[0]
return this.#target[prop]
set value(value) { this.set(value) }
get value() { return this.get() }
const forwardFinalizationRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry(([cache, name]) => {
export class ForwardState extends SimpleState {
constructor(backend, property, methods = {}) {
constructor(backend, property) {
this.#methods = methods
this.#backend = backend
this.#property = property
const ref = new WeakRef(this)
const abortController = new AbortController()
abortRegistry.register(this, abortController)
backend.addEventListener("change", event => {
const state = ref.deref()
if (state) {
let relevantChanges = event.changes
const relevantChanges = event.changes
.filter(({property: name}) => name === property)
const get = methods.get
if (methods.get) {
relevantChanges =
({from, to}) => ({property: "value", from: get(from), to: get(to)})
} else {
relevantChanges =
({from, to}) => ({property: "value", from, to})
.map(({from, to}) => ({property: "value", from, to}))
if (relevantChanges.length > 0)
state.dispatchEvent(new ChangeEvent(...relevantChanges))
} else {
@ -203,23 +207,8 @@ export class ForwardState extends SimpleState {
}, {signal: abortController.signal})
get value() {
const methods = this.#methods
if (methods.get) {
return methods.get(this.#backend.values[this.#property])
} else {
return this.#backend.values[this.#property]
set value(value) {
const methods = this.#methods
if (methods.set) {
this.#backend.values[this.#property] = methods.set(value)
} else {
this.#backend.values[this.#property] = value
get value() { return this.#backend.values[this.#property]}
set value(value) { this.#backend.values[this.#property] = value }
class StorageChangeEvent extends Event {
@ -286,12 +275,8 @@ const attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
export const component = (name, generator, methods) => {
if (typeof name === "function") {
methods = generator
generator = name
name = camelToKebab(
export const component = (generator, name) => {
name = name ?? camelToKebab(
const Element = class extends HTMLElement{
constructor() {
@ -304,12 +289,9 @@ export const component = (name, generator, methods) => {
attributeObserver.observe(this, {attributes: true})
this.replaceChildren(, this.state))
if (methods) {
Object.defineProperties(Element.prototype, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(methods))
customElements.define(name, Element)
return Element;
@ -340,9 +322,7 @@ class ComposedState extends SimpleState {
scheduleUpdate() {
if (this.synchronous) {
} else {
if (this.defer) {
if (!this.#microtaskQueued) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
this.#microtaskQueued = false
@ -350,6 +330,8 @@ class ComposedState extends SimpleState {
this.#microtaskQueued = true
} else {
@ -357,11 +339,11 @@ class ComposedState extends SimpleState {
const value = this.#func( => state.value))
const change = {property: "value", from: this.value, to: value}
this.value = value
this.dispatchEvent(new ChangeEvent(change))
this.dispatchEvent(new ChangeEvent([change]))
export const compose = func => (...states) => new ComposedState(func, {}, ...states)
export const compose = func => (...states) => new ComposedState(func, {defer: true}, ...states)
const eventName = "mutation"
@ -414,9 +396,7 @@ export class DOMState extends SimpleState {
this.#old = current
if (this.synchronous) {
this.dispatchEvent(new ChangeEvent(["value", current]))
} else {
if (this.defer) {
if (!this.#changedValue) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
this.#changedValue = false
@ -424,6 +404,8 @@ export class DOMState extends SimpleState {
this.#changedValue = current
} else {
this.dispatchEvent(new ChangeEvent(["value", current]))