/** @type FinalizationRegistry */ const abortRegistry = new FinalizationRegistry(controller => controller.abort()) /** @param {String} string */ const camelToKebab = string => string.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, (_, a, b) => `${a}-${b.toLowerCase()}`) /** @param {String} string */ const kebabToCamel = string => string.replace(/([a-z])-([a-z])/g, (_, a, b) => a+b.toUpperCase()) const identity = object=>object const target = Symbol("Proxy Target") /* Custom Event Classes */ /** * @typedef {Object} Change * @property {string} property * @property {any} from * @property {any} to * @property {boolean} mutation - The change happened inside the value without a new assignment */ /** Event fired for every change before the internal state has been updated that can be canceled. */ export class SynchronousChangeEvent extends Event { /** @param {Change} change */ constructor(change) { super('synchronous', {cancelable: true}) this.change = Object.freeze(change) } } /** Event fired for one or more changed values after the internal state has been updated. */ export class MultiChangeEvent extends Event { /** @type {any} */ #final /** @type {any} */ #values /** @param {Change[]} changes */ constructor(...changes) { super('change') this.changes = changes } get values() { if (!this.#values) { const values = new Map() for (const {property, from, to} of this.changes) { let list = values.get(property) if (!list) { list = [from] values.set(property, list) } list.push(to) } this.#values = values } return this.#values } get final() { if (!this.#final) { this.#final = new Map() for (const [property, list] of this.values) { if (list[0] !== list[list.length-1]) { this.#final.set(property, list[list.length-1]) } } } return this.#final } } export class ValueChangeEvent extends MultiChangeEvent { get value() { return this.final.value } } /* Observable Classes */ export class Observable extends EventTarget { #synchronous /** @type Change[]> */ #queue #abortController = new AbortController #ref = new WeakRef(this) get ref() { return this.#ref } constructor({synchronous=false}={}) { super() Object.defineProperty(this, "observable", {value: true, configurable: false, writable: false}) if (this.constructor === Observable) { throw new TypeError("Cannot instantiate abstract class") } this.#synchronous = !!synchronous abortRegistry.register(this, this.#abortController) this.proxy = new Proxy(this.constructor.prototype.proxy, { get: (target, prop) => target.call(this, prop) }) } /** * @param {string} prop */ proxy(prop, {get=undefined, set=undefined, ...options}={}) { const proxy = new ProxiedObservableValue(this, prop, options) if (get) proxy.get = get if (set) proxy.set = set return proxy } /** * @param {string} prop * @param {function(any):void} callback */ subscribe(prop, callback) { const controller = new AbortController() // @ts-ignore this.addEventListener("change", ({final}) => { if (final.has(prop)) return callback(final.get(prop)) }, {signal: controller.signal}) callback(this[prop]) return () => controller.abort() } /** Queues up a change event * @param {string} property - Name of the changed property * @param {any} from * @param {any} to * @param {boolean} mutation - whether a change was an assignment or a mutation (nested change) */ enqueue(property, from, to, mutation=false) { const change = {property, from, to, mutation} if (!this.dispatchEvent(new SynchronousChangeEvent(change))) return false if (!this.synchronous) { if (!this.#queue) { this.#queue = [] queueMicrotask(() => { this.emit(...this.#queue) this.#queue = undefined }) } this.#queue.push(change) } else { this.emit(change) } return true } /** @param {any[]} _args */ emit(..._args) { throw new TypeError(`${this.constructor.name} did not define an 'emit' method`) } get signal() { return this.#abortController.signal } get synchronous() { return this.#synchronous } } export class ObservableObject extends Observable { /** * @param {Object} target * @param {Object} options */ constructor(target={}, {shallow=true, ...options}={}) { super(options) Object.defineProperty(this, "target", target) this.values = new Proxy(target, { /** * @param {Object} target * @param {String} prop * @param {any} value */ set: (target, prop, value) => { const old = target[prop] if (old === value) { return true } else { if (this.enqueue(prop, old, value)) { if (!shallow) { if (old instanceof Observable) this.disown(prop, old) if (value instanceof Observable) this.adopt(prop, value) } target[prop] = value return true } else { return false } } }, /** * @param {Object} target * @param {String} prop */ get: (target, prop) => target[prop], }) } /** * @param {string} prop * @param {Object} options */ proxy(prop, {get=undefined, set=undefined, ...options}={}) { const proxy = new ProxiedObservableValue(this, prop, {values: this.values, ...options}) if (get) proxy.get = get if (set) proxy.set = set return proxy } /** @param {Change[]} changes */ emit(...changes) { this.dispatchEvent(new MultiChangeEvent(...changes)) } /** @type Map> */ #nested = new Map() /** Adopts an obsercable to be notified of its changes * @param {string} prop * @param {Observable} observable */ adopt(prop, observable) { let handlers = this.#nested.get(observable) if (!handlers) { // Actual adoption handlers = new Map() this.#nested.set(observable, handlers) } const ref = this.ref const handler = () => ref.deref()?.emit(prop, observable, observable, {observable: true}) handlers.set(prop, handler) observable.addEventListener("change", handler, {signal: this.signal}) } /** Undoes the adoption of a nested observable, cancelling the associated event hook * @param {string} prop * @param {Observable} observable */ disown(prop, observable) { const handlers = this.#nested.get(observable) const handler = handlers.get(prop) observable.removeEventListener("change", handler) handlers.delete(prop) if (handlers.size == 0) { this.#nested.delete(observable) } } } export class ObservableValue extends Observable { #value /** * @param {any} value * @param {Object} options */ constructor(value, options) { super(options) this.#value = value } get value() { return this.#value } set value(value) { if (this.enqueue("value", this.#value, value)) { this.#value = value } } /** * @param {string} prop * @param {function(any):void} callback */ subscribe(prop, callback) { // @ts-ignore if (typeof(prop) == "function") [prop, callback] = ["value", prop] this.constructor.prototype.subscribe.call(this, prop, callback) } /** @param {Change[]} changes */ emit(...changes) { this.dispatchEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(...changes)) } } class ProxiedObservableValue extends ObservableValue { #values #prop /** * @param {Observable} backend * @param {string} prop */ constructor(backend, prop, {values=backend, ...options}={}) { super(options) this.#values = values this.#prop = prop const ref = this.ref backend.addEventListener("synchronous", event => { const {property, from, to, ...rest} = event.change if (property == this.#prop) { ref.deref()?.enqueue({ property, from: this.get(from), to: this.get(to), ...rest }) } }, { signal: this.signal }) } get = identity set = identity get value() { return this.get(this.#values[this.#prop]) } set value(value) { this.#values[this.#prop] = this.set(value) } } const attributeObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const {type, target, attributeName: name} of mutations) { if (type == "attributes") { const next = target.getAttribute(name) const camelName = kebabToCamel(name) if (String(target.state.values[camelName]) !== next) target.state.values[camelName] = next } } }) export const component = (name, generator, methods) => { if (typeof name === "function") { methods = generator generator = name name = camelToKebab(generator.name) } const Element = class extends HTMLElement{ constructor() { super() const target = Object.fromEntries([...this.attributes].map(attribute => [kebabToCamel(attribute.name), attribute.value])) this.state = new ObservableObject(target) this.state.addEventListener("change", event => { for (const {property, to: value} of event.changes) { const kebabName = camelToKebab(property) if (this.getAttribute(kebabName) !== String(value)) this.setAttribute(kebabName, value) } }) attributeObserver.observe(this, {attributes: true}) const content = generator.call(this, this.state) if (content) this.replaceChildren(content) } } if (methods) { Object.defineProperties(Element.prototype, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(methods)) } customElements.define(name, Element) return Element; } class ObservableComposition extends ObservableValue { #func #states constructor(func, options, ...states) { super(options) this.#func = func this.#states = states const abortController = new AbortController() abortRegistry.register(this, abortController) const ref = new WeakRef(this) states.forEach(state => { state.addEventListener("change", () => { ref.deref()?.scheduleUpdate() }, {signal: abortController.signal}) }) this.update() } #microtaskQueued scheduleUpdate() { if (this.synchronous) { this.update() } else { if (!this.#microtaskQueued) { queueMicrotask(() => { this.#microtaskQueued = false this.update() }) this.#microtaskQueued = true } } } update() { const value = this.#func(...this.#states.map(state => state.value)) const change = {property: "value", from: this.value, to: value} this.value = value this.emit(change) } } export const compose = func => (...states) => new ObservableComposition(func, {}, ...states) class MutationEvent extends Event { constructor() { super("mutation", {bubbles: true}) } } const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) { mutation.target.dispatchEvent(new MutationEvent()) } }) export class ObservableElement extends Observable { #getValue #equal #value #changedValue = false /** * @param {HTMLElement} target */ constructor(target, {get=undefined, equal=undefined, ...options}={}) { // @ts-ignore super(options) Object.defineProperty(this, "target", {value: target, configurable: false, writable: false}) this.#getValue = get ?? (target => target.value) this.#equal = equal ?? ((a, b) => a===b) this.#value = this.#getValue(target) const controller = new AbortController() target.addEventListener("mutation", event => { this.update(event) }, {signal: controller.signal}) abortRegistry.register(this, controller) mutationObserver.observe(target, { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true, }) } get value() { return this.#value } update() { const current = this.#getValue(this.target) if (this.#equal(this.#value, current)) return this.#value = current if (this.synchronous) { this.dispatchEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(["value", current])) } else { if (!this.#changedValue) { queueMicrotask(() => { this.#changedValue = false this.dispatchEvent(new ValueChangeEvent(["value", this.#changedValue])) }) this.#changedValue = current } } } } export class MapStorage extends Storage { #map = new Map() /** * @param {number} index * @return {string} */ key(index) { return [...this.#map.keys()][index] } /** * @param {string} keyName * @return {any} */ getItem(keyName) { if (this.#map.has(keyName)) return this.#map.get(keyName) else return null } /** * @param {string} keyName * @param {any} keyValue */ setItem(keyName, keyValue) { this.#map.set(keyName, String(keyValue)) } /** @param {string} keyName */ removeItem(keyName) { this.#map.delete(keyName) } clear() { this.#map.clear() } }