// Keep a referee alive until a referrer is collected const weakReferences = new WeakMap() /** Keeps the referenced value alive until the referrer is collected * @param {Object} referrer * @param {Object} reference */ const untilDeathDoThemPart = (referrer, reference) => { if (!weakReferences.has(referrer)) weakReferences.set(referrer, new Set()) weakReferences.get(referrer).add(reference) } /** Like AbortController, but resets after each abort */ class MultiAbortController { #controller = new AbortController() /** @return {AbortSignal} */ get signal() { return this.#controller.signal } abort() { this.#controller.abort(); this.#controller = new AbortController() } } /** A symbol representing nothing to be appended to an element */ export const empty = Symbol("Explicit empty argument for Skooma") /** Converts a snake-case string to a CSS property name * @param {string} key * @return {string} */ const snakeToCSS = key => key.replace(/^[A-Z]/, a => "-" + a).replace(/[A-Z]/g, a => '-' + a.toLowerCase()) /** @typedef SpecialAttributeDescriptor * @type {object} * @property {function(Node):void} [get] * @property {function(Node,any):void} [set] * @property {function(Node,function(any):void):void} [subscribe] * @property {function(Node):boolean} [filter] */ /** * Returns a fallback if value is fallback * @param {any} value * @param {any} whenUndefined */ const fallback = (value, whenUndefined) => typeof value != "undefined" ? value : whenUndefined /** @typedef {EventTarget & {value: any}} Observable */ /** Cancelable event triggered when a reactive element gets replaced with something else */ export class BeforeReplaceEvent extends Event { /** @param {Element|Text} next */ constructor(next) { super("skooma:beforereplace", { cancelable: true }) this.next = next } } /** Event triggered when a reactive element was replaced */ export class AfterReplaceEvent extends Event { /** @param {Element|Text} next */ constructor(next) { super("skooma:afterreplace") this.next = next } } /** Event triggered when a new element replaces an old one */ export class ReplacedEvent extends Event { /** @param {Element|Text} old */ constructor(old) { super("skooma:replaced", { bubbles: true }) this.old = old } } /** Event triggered when a reactive attribute changes on an element */ export class AttributeEvent extends Event { /** * @param {String} attribute * @param {any} from * @param {any} to */ constructor(attribute, from, to) { super("skooma:attribute", { cancelable: true }) this.attribute = attribute this.from = from this.to = to } } // Other utility exports /** Wraps an event handler in a function that calls preventDefault on the event * @param {function(event) : event} fn * @return {function(event)} */ export const handle = fn => event => { event.preventDefault(); return fn(event) } /** A reference to an element that follows it around through replacements */ export class Ref { /** @type {WeakMap} */ static #map = new WeakMap() /** @type {Element|Text} */ #element /** @param {Element|Text} element */ constructor(element) { this.#element = element } /** @return {Element|Text} */ deref() { const next = Ref.newer(this.#element) if (next) { this.#element = next return this.deref() } else { return this.#element } } /** @param {Element|Text} element */ static newer(element) { return this.#map.get(element) } /** * @param {Element|Text} previous * @param {Element|Text} next */ static replace(previous, next) { if (this.newer(previous)) throw "Element has already been replaced with newer one" this.#map.set(previous, next) } } /** Main class doing all the rendering */ export class Renderer { static proxy() { return new Proxy(new this(), { /** @param {string} prop */ get: (renderer, prop) => /** @param {any[]} args */ (...args) => renderer.node(prop, args), has: (renderer, prop) => renderer.nodeSupported(prop), }) } /** @param {string} name */ node(name, ...args) { throw "Attempting to use an abstract Renderer" } /** @param {string|symbol} name */ nodeSupported(name) { if (typeof(name) != "string") return false return true } /** Turns an attribute value into a string */ /** @param {any} value */ static serialiseAttributeValue(value) { if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number") return value else if (value && "join" in value) return value.join(" ") else if (Object.getPrototypeOf(value) == Object.prototype) return JSON.stringify(value) else return value.toString() } } export class DomRenderer extends Renderer { /** @type {Object} */ static specialAttributes = Object.freeze({}) /** Processes a list of arguments for an HTML Node * @param {Element|ShadowRoot} element * @param {Array} args */ static apply(element, ...args) { for (const arg of args) if (arg !== empty) { if (Array.isArray(arg)) { this.apply(element, ...arg) } else { const child = this.toElement(arg) if (child) element.append(child) else if (typeof arg == "function") this.apply(element, arg(element) || empty) else if (arg instanceof DocumentFragment) element.append(arg) else if (arg && typeof(arg)=="object") for (const key in arg) if (element instanceof Element) this.setAttribute(element, key, arg[key]) else throw `Attempting to set attributes on a non-element (${element.constructor.name})` else console.warn(`An argument of type ${typeof arg} has been ignored`, element) } } } /** Creates a new node * @param {String} name * @param {Array} args */ node(name, args) { const element = this.createElement(name) this.constructor.apply(element, args) return element } /** * @protected * @param {String} name * @param {Object} options * @return {Node} */ createElement(name, options={}) { return document.createElement(name, options) } /** Turns an argument into something that can be inserted as a child into a DOM node * @protected * @param {any} value * @return {Element|Text} */ static toElement(value) { if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number") return document.createTextNode(value.toString()) else if (value instanceof Element) return value else if (this.isObservable(value)) return this.toReactiveElement(value) } /** * @protected * @param {Observable} observable * @return {Element|Text} */ static toReactiveElement(observable) { if (observable.value instanceof DocumentFragment) { throw "Failed to create reactive element: Document fragments cannot be replaced dynamically" } const element = this.toElement(observable.value) untilDeathDoThemPart(element, observable) let ref = new WeakRef(element) const handleChange = () => { const element = ref.deref() if (!element) return const next = this.toElement(observable.value) if (element?.dispatchEvent(new BeforeReplaceEvent(next))) { element.replaceWith(next) Ref.replace(element, next) next.dispatchEvent(new ReplacedEvent(element)) element.dispatchEvent(new AfterReplaceEvent(next)) ref = new WeakRef(next) } observable.addEventListener("change", handleChange, {once: true}) } observable.addEventListener("change", handleChange, {once: true}) return element } /** Set an attribute on an element * @protected * @param {Element} element * @param {string} attribute * @param {any} value * @param {AbortSignal} [cleanupSignal] */ static setAttribute(element, attribute, value, cleanupSignal) { const special = this.getSpecialAttribute(element, attribute) if (this.isObservable(value)) { this.setReactiveAttribute(element, attribute, value) } else if (typeof value === "function") element.addEventListener(attribute, value, { signal: cleanupSignal }) else if (special?.set) special.set(element, value) else if (value === true) { if (!element.hasAttribute(attribute)) element.setAttribute(attribute, '') } else if (value === false) element.removeAttribute(attribute) else { element.setAttribute(attribute, this.serialiseAttributeValue(value)) } } /** Set up a binding between an attribute and an observable * @protected * @param {Element} element * @param {string} attribute * @param {Observable} observable */ static setReactiveAttribute(element, attribute, observable) { const multiAbort = new MultiAbortController() observable.addEventListener("change", () => { multiAbort.abort() if (element.dispatchEvent(new AttributeEvent(attribute, element.getAttribute(attribute), observable.value))) this.setAttribute(element, attribute, observable.value, multiAbort.signal) }) this.setAttribute(element, attribute, observable.value, multiAbort.signal) const special = this.getSpecialAttribute(element, attribute) if (special?.subscribe) { untilDeathDoThemPart(element, observable) special.subscribe(element, value => { if (value != observable.value) observable.value = value }) } } /** * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} style The style property of a node * @param {object} rules A map of snake case property names to css values */ static insertStyles(style, rules) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rules)) if (typeof value == "undefined") style.removeProperty(snakeToCSS(key)) else style.setProperty(snakeToCSS(key), value.toString()) } /** Returns whether an object is an observable according to skooma's contract * @param {any} object * @return {object is Observable} */ static isObservable(object) { return object && object.observable } /** Wraps a list of elements in a document fragment * @param {Array} elements */ static documentFragment(...elements) { const fragment = new DocumentFragment() for (const element of elements) fragment.append(this.toElement(element)) return fragment } /** * @protected * @param {Element} element * @param {String} attribute */ static getSpecialAttribute(element, attribute) { const special = this.specialAttributes[attribute] if (special?.filter == undefined) return special if (special.filter(element)) return special return undefined } /** * @param {String|Array} data * @param {Array} items */ static createTextOrFragment(data = "", ...items) { return Array.isArray(data) ? this.textFromTemplate(data, items) : document.createTextNode(data) } /** Turns a template literal into document fragment. * Strings are returned as text nodes. * Elements are inserted in between. * @param {Array} literals * @param {Array} items * @return {DocumentFragment} */ static textFromTemplate(literals, items) { const fragment = new DocumentFragment() for (const key in items) { fragment.append(document.createTextNode(literals[key])) fragment.append(this.toElement(items[key])) } fragment.append(document.createTextNode(literals[literals.length - 1])) return fragment } } /** Renderer for normal HTML nodes targetting a browser's DOM */ export class DomHtmlRenderer extends DomRenderer { /** * @param {String} name * @param {Object} options * @return {Node} */ createElement(name, options) { return document.createElement(name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2"), options) } /** Creates a new node and make it a custom element if necessary * @param {String} name * @param {Array} args */ node(name, args) { const custom = this.getCustom(args) const opts = custom && { is: String(custom) } const element = this.createElement(name, opts) this.constructor.apply(element, args) return element } /** Recursively finds the last 'is' attribute in a list nested array of objects * @param {Array} args */ getCustom(args) { return args.reduce( (current, argument) => Array.isArray(argument) ? fallback(this.getCustom(argument), current) : (argument && typeof argument == "object") ? fallback(argument.is, current) : current , undefined ) } /** @type {Object} */ static specialAttributes = { value: { /** @param {HTMLInputElement} element */ get(element) { return element.value }, /** @param {HTMLInputElement} element */ set(element, value) { element.setAttribute("value", value) element.value = value }, /** @param {HTMLInputElement} element */ subscribe(element, callback) { element.addEventListener("input", () => { callback(this.get(element)) }) }, /** @param {HTMLElement} element */ filter(element) { return element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" } }, style: { /** @param {HTMLElement} element */ set(element, value) { DomRenderer.insertStyles(element.style, value) } }, dataset: { /** @param {HTMLElement} element */ set(element, value) { for (const [attribute2, value2] of Object.entries(value)) { element.dataset[attribute2] = DomRenderer.serialiseAttributeValue(value2) } } }, shadowRoot: { /** @param {HTMLElement} element */ set(element, value) { DomRenderer.apply( (element.shadowRoot || element.attachShadow({ mode: "open" })), value ) } } } } /** Renderer for normal SVG nodes targetting a browser's DOM */ export class DomSvgRenderer extends DomRenderer { /** * @param {String} name * @param {Object} options * @return {Node} */ createElement(name, options) { return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", name, options) } } export const html = DomHtmlRenderer.proxy() export const svg = DomSvgRenderer.proxy() export const fragment = DomRenderer.documentFragment.bind(DomRenderer) export const text = DomRenderer.createTextOrFragment.bind(DomRenderer) export default html