# Skooma A functional-friendly helper library for procedural DOM generation and templating. ## Overview ```js import {html} from "skooma.js" document.body.append(html.div( html.h1("Hello, World!"), html.p("Skooma is cool", {class: "amazing"}), html.button("Show Proof", click: event => { alert("It's true!") }) )) ``` ## Interface / Examples ### HTML generation ```js html.div() // Creates a
element html.div("hello", "world") //
html.div(html.span()) //
html.div([html.span(), html.span()]) //
html.div({class: "foo"}) //
html.div({class: ["foo", "bar"]}) //
html.div({click: 1}) //
html.div({click: event => console.log(event.target)}) // Creates a
with an event listener for "click" events html.div(player: {username: "KhajiitSlayer3564"}) // Creates a
with the attribute "player" set to a JSON-encoded Object html.div("Old content", self => self.innerText = "Hello, World!") // Creates a
and passes it to a function for further processing html.div({foo: true}) //
html.div({foo: "bar"}, {foo: false}) //
// Special keys: html.div({dataset: {foo: 1, bar: 2}}) //
html.div({shadowRoot: html.span("Shadow root content")}) // Attaches a shadow root with a span ``` Generators can be called with many arguments. Arrays get iterated recursively as if they were part of a flat argument list. ### Generating Text Nodes ```js text("Hello, World") // Wraps document.createTextNode text() // Defaults to empty string instead of erroring text(null) // Non-string arguments still error text`Hello, World!` // returns a new document fragment containing the text node "Hello, World!" text`Hello, ${user}!` // returns a document fragment containing 3 nodes: // "Hello, ", the interpolated value of `user` and "!" text`Hello, ${html.b(user)}!` // Text node for Hello, the tag with the user's name, and a text node for ! ``` ## bind This function offers a generic mechanism for binding elements to dynamic state. It takes a register function that satisfies the following criteria: - It returns an initial state as an array - It accepts a callback function - On state change, it calls it with the new state as its arguments And returns a second function, which takes a transformation (another functuion) from input state to DOM node. This transformation will be used to create an initial element from the initial state, which will be returned. On every state change, the transform ation will be called on the new state to generate a new DOM Node, which replace the current one. ```js bind(register)(html.div) // Returns a div element bound to register // Assuming register is a higher order function // and html.div is a transformation from input state to a
node ``` Since references to the bound element can become stale, a `current` property is set on every element that returns the current element. This will keep working even after several state changes. ## handle Since it is common for event handlers to call `preventDefault()`, skooma provides a helper function called `handle` with the following definition: ```js fn => event => { event.preventDefault(); return fn(event) } ``` ## A few more examples: Create a Button that deletes itself: ```js document.body.append( html.button("Delete Me", {click: event => event.target.remove()}) ) ``` Turn a two-dimensional array into an HTML table: ```js const table = rows => html.table(html.tbody(rows.map( row => html.tr(row.map( cell => html.rd(cell, {dataset: { content: cell.toLowerCase(), }}) )) ))) ``` A list that you can add items to ```js let list, input = "" document.body.append(html.div([ list=html.ul(), html.input({type: 'text', input: e => input = e.target.value}), html.button({click: event => list.append(html.li(input))}, "Add"), ])) ``` A list that you can also delete items from ```js const listItem = content => html.li( html.span(content), " ", html.a("[remove]", { click: event => event.target.closest("li").remove(), style: { cursor: 'pointer', color: 'red' }, }) ) let list, input = "" document.body.append(html.div([ list=html.ul(), html.input({type: 'text', input: e => input = e.target.value}), html.button({click: event => list.append(listItem(input))}, "Add"), ])) ```