
234 lines
7.5 KiB
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2023-09-01 20:41:56 +00:00
#include <Encoder.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "MortseUi.h"
const byte MorseTable[] = {0b00100000,0,0b00010010,0,0,0,0,0b00011110,0b10110110,0b00101101,0,0b10101010,0b00110011,0b00100001,0b00010101,0b10110010,0b10111111,0b10101111,0b10100111,0b10100011,0b10100001,0b10100000,0b10110000,0b10111000,0b10111100,0b10111111,0b00111000,0b00101010,0,0b10110001,0,0b00001100,0b00011010,0b01000001,0b10001000,0b10001010,0b01100100,0b00100000,0b10000010,0b01100110,0b10000000,0b01000000,0b10000111,0b01100101,0b10000100,0b01000011,0b01000010,0b01100111,0b10000110,0b10001101,0b01100010,0b01100000,0b00100001,0b01100001,0b10000001,0b01100011,0b10001001,0b10001011,0b10001100,0b10110110,0,0b00101101,0,0b00001101,0b00011110,0b01000001,0b10001000,0b10001010,0b01100100,0b00100000,0b10000010,0b01100110,0b10000000,0b01000000,0b10000111,0b01100101,0b10000100,0b01000011,0b01000010,0b01100111,0b10000110,0b10001101,0b01100010,0b01100000,0b00100001,0b01100001,0b10000001,0b01100011,0b10001001,0b10001011,0b10001100,0b10110110,0,0b00101101,0};
const int Channel1 = 9; //Output Channel 1
const int Channel2 = 10; //Output Channel 2
const int Channel3 = 11; //Output Channel 3
const int Enc1P1 = 2; //Encoder 1 Pin 1 to Interrupt
const int Enc2P1 = 3; //Encoder 2 Pin 1 to Interrupt
const int Enc1P2 = 14; //Encoder 1 Pin 2 to non-Interrupting pin because we only have 2
const int Enc2P2 = 15; //Encoder 2 Pin 2 to non-Interrupting pin because we only have 2
const int Enc1Btn = 16; //Encoder 1 Button
const int Enc2Btn = 17; //Encoder 2 Button
const int ClockIn = 4; //Clock In
const int ClockDetect = 7; //Detect clock jack
const int DebounceTime = 10; //Debounce time in ms
const int DisplaySpi = 0; //todo: find spi port ## from library
Encoder LeftEnc( Enc1P1, Enc1P2);
Encoder RightEnc( Enc2P1, Enc2P2);
//MortseUi Ui(DisplaySpi);
String TestText = "Momento Mortse";
int E1 = 0;
int E2 = 0;
int Channel1Index = 0;
int MorseIndex = 0;
bool E1Btn = false;
bool E2Btn = false;
bool ClockState = false;
bool Beat = false;
unsigned int Channel1Trig = 0, Channel2Trig = 0, Channel3Trig = 0;
bool E1Prev, E2Prev, CDPrev, E1Click, E2Click, CDIn = false, Channel1State = false, Channel2State = false, Channel3State = false;
unsigned int E1Bounce, E2Bounce, CDBounce = 0, BeatBounce = 0;
unsigned long ClockPrev = 0, ClockInPrev = 0, LastBeat = 0;
byte Input = 0;
int PpQN = 1;
float Clock = 15;
float ClockTick = (1/((Clock * PpQN)/60)) * 1000;
unsigned long ClockTime = 0;
unsigned long LastStepTime = 0;
long EncLeft, EncRight = 0;
void setup() {
//Open Serial for output prior to installing a screen
Serial.begin( 115200 );
Serial.println("Momento Mortse");
pinMode(Enc1Btn, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Enc2Btn, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(ClockIn, INPUT);
pinMode(ClockDetect, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(Channel1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Channel2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Channel3, OUTPUT);
E1Btn = digitalRead(Enc1Btn);
E1Prev = E1Btn;
E2Btn = digitalRead(Enc2Btn);
E2Prev = E2Btn;
ClockState = digitalRead(ClockIn);
CDPrev = digitalRead(ClockDetect);
digitalWrite(Channel1, LOW);
digitalWrite(Channel2, LOW);
digitalWrite(Channel2, LOW);
// Timer0 is already used for millis() - we'll just interrupt somewhere
// in the middle and call the "Compare A" function below
OCR0A = 0xAF;
void loop() {
long newLEnc =;
long newREnc =;
if (digitalRead(Enc1Btn) != E1Btn){
if (E1Bounce == 0 & E1Click == false){
Serial.println("E1Btn State Change");
E1Btn = !E1Btn;
E1Bounce = DebounceTime;
E1Click = true;
if (digitalRead(Enc2Btn) != E2Btn){
if (E2Bounce == 0 & E2Click == false){
Serial.println("E2Btn State Change");
E2Btn = !E2Btn;
E2Bounce = DebounceTime;
E2Click = true;
//false click handler
E1Click = false;
E2Click = false;
bool newCD = digitalRead(ClockDetect);
if (newCD != CDPrev){
if (CDBounce == 0){
Serial.println("Clock Jack Status Change");
CDPrev = CDIn = newCD;
CDBounce = DebounceTime << 4;
if ( digitalRead(ClockIn) != ClockState){
ClockState = !ClockState;
if (ClockState){
unsigned long tmpClock = micros();
float clkInTick = tmpClock - ClockPrev;
ClockPrev = tmpClock;
if (abs(ClockInPrev - clkInTick) > 500){
Clock =((1.0/(clkInTick/1000000.0)) * 60.0)/(float)PpQN;
String outputBPM = "New BPM: ";
outputBPM = "Clock Tick: ";
ClockTick = (1/((Clock * PpQN)/60)) * 1000;
Beat = true;
LastBeat = tmpClock;
if ((LastBeat + ClockTick) < micros()){
Beat = true;
LastBeat = micros();
if (newLEnc != EncLeft || newREnc != EncRight){
String output = "Left Enc Pos: ";
output.concat( ", Right Enc Pos: ");
if (newLEnc != EncLeft){
Clock = Clock + (((float)EncLeft - (float)newLEnc)/40.0);
} else{
Clock = Clock + ((EncRight - newREnc) * 2.5);
ClockTick = (1/((Clock * PpQN)/60)) * 1000;
EncLeft = newLEnc;
EncRight = newREnc;
output = " Clock: ";
output.concat( " Clocktick: ");
output.concat( ClockTick);
if (Beat){
Beat = false;
if (BeatBounce == 0){
BeatBounce = DebounceTime;
//Insert Beat Output here!
char outputChar = TestText[Channel1Index];
if (outputChar == '\0' ){
Channel1Index = 0;
outputChar = TestText[Channel1Index];
byte morseLength = MorseTable[((int)outputChar - 32)];
byte morsePattern = morseLength;
bool trigger = (morsePattern >> MorseIndex) & 1;
if (MorseIndex == 0){
outputChar = TestText[Channel1Index];
MorseIndex = (((MorseTable[((int)outputChar - 32)]) >> 5)) & 7;
if (trigger){
digitalWrite(Channel1, HIGH);
Channel1Trig = DebounceTime;
Channel1State = true;
if ((Channel1State) && (Channel1Trig == 0)){
digitalWrite(Channel1, LOW);
Channel1State = false;
if (Channel2State && !Channel2Trig){
digitalWrite(Channel2, LOW);
Channel2State = false;
if (Channel3State && !Channel3Trig){
digitalWrite(Channel3, LOW);
Channel3State = false;
// Interrupt is called once a millisecond,
E1Bounce = (E1Bounce - 1) & 0b10000000;
E2Bounce = (E2Bounce - 1) & 0b10000000;
CDBounce = (CDBounce - 1) & 0b10000000;
BeatBounce = (BeatBounce - 1) & 0b01111111;
Channel1Trig = (Channel1Trig - 1) & 0b01111111;
Channel2Trig = (Channel2Trig - 1) & 0b10000000;
Channel3Trig = (Channel3Trig - 1) & 0b10000000;