
317 lines
8.8 KiB

<h1>Talia: A colour palette</h1>
<section class="important info box">
A general-purpose colour palette to use for whatever.
<span>Background Colour:</span>
<input value="#f2f2f3" type="color" id="background-color"></input>
<!-- TODO: Change the base hue and offset here -->
<section style="--base-hue: 280deg; --saturation: 40%; --offset: calc(360deg / 6)">
<colour-palette name="primary" style="--hue: calc(var(--base-hue) - var(--offset));"></colour-palette>
<section class="info box">
The main colour of the scheme. Should be used for the majority of the content.
<colour-palette name="secondary" style="--hue: var(--base-hue); --saturation: 30%;"></colour-palette>
<section class="info box">
A secondary colour to provide some contrast to the primary colour without drawing too much attention.
<colour-palette name="contrast" style="--hue: calc(var(--base-hue) + var(--offset)); --saturation: 50%;"></colour-palette>
<section class="info box">
This colour is intended to provide a lot more contrast to the primary colour for elements that require user attention.
<colour-palette name="neutral" style="--hue: 210deg; --saturation: 5%;"></colour-palette>
<section class="info box">
Just a more neutral scale of gray tones
<button id="export-gimp">Export as GIMP Palette</button>
<button id="export-css">Export as CSS Variables</button>
<!-- ======================================== -->
<!-- ======================================== -->
:root {
font-size: 1em;
color: hsl(220deg, 8%, 20%);
font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
body.dark {
color: hsl(220deg, 8%, 80%);
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
code {
font-family: "Hack", monospace;
body {
display: flex;
flex-flow: column nowrap;
align-items: center;
background: hsl(200deg, 5%, 95%);
/* The following only does font size shenanigans! */
h1, h2 {
text-align: center;
font-weight: normal;
font-family: "Raleway", "Quicksand", serif;
h1 {
font-size: 2.4em;
--border: dotted .08em currentcolor;
border-bottom: var(--border);
border-top: var(---border);
width: calc((3rem + .6rem * 2) * 9);
text-align: center;
padding: .2em 0;
h2 {
font-size: 2em;
colour-palette {
--separation2: .6em; /* Halved separation */
display: flex;
/* padding: var(--separation2); */
colour-palette button {
--radius: 50%;
all: unset;
margin: var(--separation2);
background: hsl(var(--hue), var(--saturation, 50%), var(--lightness, 50%));
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: var(--radius);
overflow: hidden;
transition: box-shadow 0.3s;
} colour-palette button::before {
content: '';
border-radius: var(--radius);
background: hsl(var(--hue), var(--saturation, 50%), var(--lightness, 50%));
box-shadow: .1em .1em .8em hsla(calc(var(--hue) + 30deg), calc(100% - var(--lightness) - 10%), calc(var(--lightness) - 40%), .4) inset;
width: 3em;
height: 3em;
display: block;
transition: box-shadow 0.3s;
colour-palette button:hover {
box-shadow: .4em .4em .6em #0004;
colour-palette button:hover::before {
box-shadow: none;
body.dark colour-palette button:hover {
box-shadow: .0em .0em .6em hsla(var(--hue), calc(var(--saturation) + 30%), 80%, 60%);
/* === Popup notification shenanigans === */
div.notification {
top: 0em;
border: 1px solid currentcolor;
background: hsla(0deg, 0%, 100%, .8);
font-size: 1em;
opacity: 0;
position: fixed;
padding: .4em; 1em;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
/* === Info Boxes === */
.box {
--radius: .3em;
width: calc((3rem + .6rem * 2) * 9);
font-style: italic;
border-radius: var(--radius);
background: hsla(200deg, 5%, 92%, 1);
box-shadow: .0em .1em .2em inset hsl(220deg, 8%, 80%);
padding: 1em 2em;
position: relative;
margin: 2em 0em;
body.dark .box {
background: hsla(200deg, 5%, 6%, 1);
box-shadow: .0em .1em .2em inset #0006;
.hint, .info { --color: hsl(220deg, 40%, 50%) }
.important { --color: hsl(280deg, 30%, 50%) }
.box::after {
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
width: .4em;
background-color: var(--color, transparent);
border-radius: var(--radius) 0 0 var(--radius);
content: '';
.box.hint::before {
content: "Hint: ";
display: inline-block;
font-weight: bold;
button {
all: unset;
font-size: 1.2em;
cursor: pointer;
padding: .4em 1.2em;
border-radius: 1.8em;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: hsl(340deg, 50%, 40%);
color: hsl(340deg, 50%, 95%);
margin: .4em;
/* === Utility === */
[center] { text-align: center; }
<script type="module">
const showMessage = function(message, color, x, y) {
let box = document.createElement('div');
box.innerHTML = message;
if (x) box.style.left = x+"px";
if (y) box.style.top = y+"px";
{ offset: 0, opacity: 1, transform: "translate(-50%, -10%)"},
{ offset: .3, opacity: 1 },
{ offset: 1, opacity: 0, transform: "translate(-50%, -200%)"},
], {
duration: 1e3
}).finished.then(() => box.remove())
box.style.setProperty('color', color);
const register = (type, name, initial=undefined) => CSS.registerProperty({
name: `--${name}`,
syntax: `<${type}>`,
inherits: true,
initialValue: initial,
register("angle", "hue", "0deg")
register("percentage", "saturation", "100%")
register("percentage", "lightness", "50%")
const backgroundColourButton = document.getElementById("background-color")
backgroundColourButton.addEventListener("input", event => {
const rgb = backgroundColourButton.value
document.body.style.background = rgb
const channels = rgb
.map(hex => parseInt(hex, 16))
.map(num => num / 255)
const luminosity = channels.reduce((a,b)=>a+b) / 3
if (luminosity < 0.4) {
} else {
customElements.define("colour-palette", class extends HTMLElement {
get colours() {
return Array.from(this.querySelectorAll("button"))
.map(button => getComputedStyle(button).backgroundColor)
.map(colour => colour.match(/\d+/g))
.map((match, index) => [match[0], match[1], match[2], `${this.name}-${index+1}`])
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `
<button style="--lightness: 05%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 15%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 30%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 40%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 50%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 60%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 70%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 80%"></button>
<button style="--lightness: 95%"></button>
this.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener('click', event => {
const prop = name => getComputedStyle(button)
.replace(/^ *| *$/g, "")
const colour = `hsl(${prop("--hue")}, ${prop("--saturation")}, ${prop("--lightness")})`
navigator.clipboard.writeText(colour).then(() => {
const box = button.getBoundingClientRect()
showMessage(`Copied to Clipboard:<br>${colour}`, colour, box.x+box.width/2, box.y+box.height/2);
get name() {
return this.getAttribute("name") || "Unnamed"
const exportGimpButton = document.querySelector("#export-gimp")
exportGimpButton.addEventListener("click", event => {
const colours = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("colour-palette")).map(palette => palette.colours)
const template = `GIMP Palette\nName: ${document.title}\nColumns: 9\n#\n${colours.map(c => c.map(c=>c.join(' ')).join("\n")).join("\n#\n")}`
const link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = `data:text/plain;base64,${btoa(template)}`
link.download = `${document.title.toLowerCase()}.gpl`
const hexByte = byte => byte <= 16 ? `0${byte.toString(16)}` : byte.toString(16)
const exportCSSButton = document.querySelector("#export-css")
exportCSSButton.addEventListener("click", event => {
const colours = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("colour-palette"))
.map(palette => palette.colours.map(colour => `--${colour[3]}: #${colour.slice(0,3).map(Number).map(hexByte).join('')};`))
const template = `/*Talia Palette*/\n:root {\n${colours.map(p => p.map(c => "\t" + c).join("\n")).join("\n\n")}\n}`
const link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = `data:text/plain;base64,${btoa(template)}`
link.download = "palette.css"