
80 lines
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export default Class => {
const proto = Class.prototype
const attributes = Class.attributes || {}
const props = []
Object.entries(attributes).forEach(([name, attribute]) => {
let htmlName = name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
let prop = {}
prop.get = typeof attribute.get == "function"
? function() { return attribute.get.call(this, this.getAttribute(htmlName)) }
: function() { return this.getAttribute(htmlName) }
prop.set = typeof attribute.set == "function"
? function(val) { return this.setAttribute(htmlName, attribute.set.call(this, val)) }
: attribute.set === false
? function(val) { throw(Error(`Attribute ${name} cannot be set`)) }
: function(val) { this.setAttribute(htmlName, val) }
Object.defineProperty(proto, name, prop)
Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, "props", { get() { return Object.fromEntries(props.map(prop => [prop, this[prop]])) } })
const observedAttributes = Object.freeze([...Object.keys(attributes)])
Object.defineProperty(Class, "observedAttributes", {
get() { return observedAttributes }
Class.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function(name, oldValue, newValue) {
name = name.replaceAll(/-(.)/g, (a, b) => b.toUpperCase())
if (`${name}Changed` in this) this[`${name}Changed`](oldValue, newValue)
if (`changed` in this) this.changed(name, oldValue, newValue)
/* Enable batch-processing for dollar-methods */
/* This would be much nicer if decorators were a thing */
for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Class.prototype)) {
if (name.startsWith("$")) {
const prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Class.prototype, name)
if (typeof prop.value == "function") {
Class.queues = new WeakMap()
Class.prototype[name.slice(1)] = function(...args) {
const queue = Class.queues.has(this) ? Class.queues.get(this) : []
if (!queue.length) queueMicrotask(() => {
queue.length = 0
Class.queues.set(this, queue)
proto.insert = function(...args) {
return (this.shadowRoot || this).append(...args)
proto.replace = function(...args) {
return (this.shadowRoot || this).replaceChildren(...args)
Object.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function(hint) {
const name = `to${hint.replace(/./, e => e.toUpperCase())}`
return name in this
? this[name]()
: "toDefault" in this
? this.toDefault()
: `[object ${Class.name}]`
name = Class.name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
customElements.define(name, Class, {extends: Class.is})