
124 lines
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An improved version of the default HTMLElement that provides a bunch of nice
things, most significantly:
- Automatically registering the custom element type
- Built-in event-emitting mutation observer to more easily listen to changes
- Split attribute-changed callbacks that automatically register attributes
class FooBar extends Better {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `<h1>Hello, <span part="name"></span>!</h1>`
this.userName = "World";
userNameChanged(name) { this.shadowRoot.querySelector('[part="name"]').innerHTML = this.userName; }
export class Better extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
let object = this
this.#observer = new MutationObserver((list, observer) => {
list.forEach(m => {
m.target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("mutation", {bubbles: true, detail: m, cancelable: true}))
observe(options) {
if (this.#observer) this.#observer.observe(this, options)
// Array of connected callbacks
#connected = [];
// connectedCallback but as a promise.
// Resolves instantly when already connected and can be used more than once.
get connected() {
if (this.isConnected) return Promise.resolve(this)
else return new Promise( (yes, no) => this.#connected.push({yes, no}) )
// Resolves all `connected promises
connectedCallback() {
if ("onConnect" in this) this.onConnect()
this.#connected.forEach( e => e.yes(this) )
this.#connected = []
// Array of disconnected callbacks
#disconnected = [];
// disconnectedCallback but as a promise.
// Resolves instantly when already disconnected and can be used more than once.
get disconnected() {
if (this.isDisconnected) return Promise.resolve(this)
else return new Promise( (yes, no) => this.#disconnected.push({yes, no}) )
// Resolves all `disconnected promises
disconnectedCallback() {
if ("onDisconnect" in this) this.onDisonnect()
this.#disconnected.forEach( e => e.yes(this) )
this.#disconnected = []
setContent(...content) {
this.innerHTML = ""
content.forEach( element => this.appendChild(element) )
set content(content) {
attributeChangedCallback(attr, old, value) {
let name = attr.replace(/-([a-z])/, (_, l) => l.toUpperCase())
let attribute = this.constructor.attributes[name]
if (name+"Changed" in this)
if (typeof(attribute.get) == "function")
this[name+"Changed"](attribute.get.call(this, value), attribute.get.call(this, old))
this[name+"Changed"](value, old)
// Adds property/attribute mappings to the object.
static initialise(name = this.name) {
let attributes = this.attributes
? [...Object.keys(this.attributes)]
: []
/* See HTMLElement API */
Object.defineProperty(this, "observedAttributes", {
get() { return attributes.map(attr => attr.replace(/[A-Z]/, u => "-"+u.toLowerCase())) }
attributes.forEach(name => {
let attribute = this.attributes[name]
let htmlName = name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
let prop = {}
/* Is there a get filter? */
if (typeof attribute.get == "function")
prop.get = function() { return attribute.get.call(this, this.getAttribute(htmlName)) }
prop.get = function() { return this.getAttribute(htmlName) }
/* Is there a set filter? */
if (typeof attribute.set == "function")
prop.set = function(val) { return this.setAttribute(htmlName, attribute.set.call(this, val)) }
else if (attribute.set === false)
prop.set = function(val) { throw(`Attribute ${name} cannot be set`) }
prop.set = function(val) { this.setAttribute(htmlName, val) }
Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, name, prop)
name = name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase()
if (this.extends)
customElements.define(name, this, { extends: this.extends })
customElements.define(name, this)
return name
static initialize(name) { this.initialise(name) }