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A simple messaging helper that lets you publish and subscribe to messages. Callbacks are scheduled as microtasks by default.


// Creates a new speaker.
// Registers a callback.
// Runs all callbacks with given arguments
// Removes a given callback


A simple example:

const speaker = new Speaker(true /* run callbacks immediately */)

speaker.listen(value => console.log(value))
speaker.listen(value => console.warn(value))

speaker.speak("This will be logged twice")

console.log("This message will appear last")

A slightly more convoluted example:

import Speaker from '/speaker.js'

// A new message that schedules messages as microtasks
const speaker = new Speaker()

// A callback that calls messages as functions
speaker.listen(fn => fn())

// A shorthand wrapper around the speaker
const defer = fn => speaker.speak(fn)

// Defer a function to be called in a microtask
defer(() => console.log("This message will appear second"))

console.log("This message will appear first")

// Defer another function to be called in a microtask
defer(() => console.log("This message will appear third"))
// Note: A single speaker will use a single microtask even
// for multiple messages.

defer(() => {
	// You can continue pushing messages inside the callback;
	// they will be processed within the same microtask.
	defer(() => console.log("This message will appear last"))