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A functional-friendly helper library for procedural DOM generation and templating.

Skooma provides two proxies: html and svg.

Interface / Examples

// Creates a <div> element
html.div("hello", "world")
// Creates a <div> element with the content "helloworld"
// Creates a <div> element with a nested <span> element
html.div([html.span(), html.span()])
// Creates a <div> element with two nested <span> elements
html.div({class: "foo"})
// Creates a <div> with the class "foo"
html.div({class: ["foo", "bar"]})
// Creates a <div> with the classes "foo" and "bar"
html.div({click: 1})
// Creates a <div> with the attribute "click" set to "1"
html.div({click: event => console.log(event.target)})
// Creates a <div> with an event listener for "click" events
html.div(player: {username: "KhajiitSlayer3564"})
// Creates a <div> with the attribute "player" set to a JSON-encoded Object
html.div(self => self.innerHTML = "Hello, World!")
// Creates a <div> and passes it to a function that sets its inner HTML
html.div({foo: true})
// Creates a <div>, adds the attribute "foo"
html.div({foo: "bar"}, {foo: false})
// Creates a <div>, sets the "foo" attribute to "bar", then removes it again

// Special keys:

html.div(dataset: {foo: 1, bar: 2}) // Creates a <div> with the attributes "data-foo" and "data-bar" set to 1 and 2 html.div(style: {color: 'red'}) // Creates a <div> with the "style" attribute set to "color: red"
text("Hello, World")
// Wraps document.createTextNode
// Defaults to empty string

Generators can be called with many arguments. Arrays get iterated recursively as if they were part of a flat argument list.


Since it is common for event handlers to call preventDefault(), skooma provides a helper function called handle with the following definition:

fn => event => { event.preventDefault(); return fn(event) }

A few more examples:

Create a Button that deletes itself:

	html.button("Delete Me", {click: event => event.target.remove()})

Turn a two-dimensional array into an HTML table:

const table = rows =>
		row => html.tr(row.map(
			cell => html.rd(cell, {dataset: {
				content: cell.toLowerCase(),

A list that you can add items to

let list, input = ""
	html.input({type: 'text', input: e => input = e.target.value}),
	html.button({click: event => list.append(html.li(input))}, "Add"),

A list that you can also delete items from

const listItem = content => html.li(
	html.span(content), " ", html.a("[remove]", {
		click: event => event.target.closest("li").remove(),
		style: { cursor: 'pointer', color: 'red' },
let list, input = ""
	html.input({type: 'text', input: e => input = e.target.value}),
	html.button({click: event => list.append(listItem(input))}, "Add"),